Chapter Eight

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"What the heck, hyung?" Taehyung groaned as he squinted his eyes at the person who so inconsiderately disturbed his sleep

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"What the heck, hyung?" Taehyung groaned as he squinted his eyes at the person who so inconsiderately disturbed his sleep.

"Get up, Kim Taehyung," Namjoon ordered sternly, throwing the blanket back over the younger male's head. "You're in deep shit."

"What?" Taehyung yawned, dazed. He forced himself to sit up and removed the covers from his face. Since his leader had already left, he received no response. "What did I do now?" he grumbled as he climbed to his feet. With his fingers combing through his blond and light brown locks, he made his way into the living room where he spotted the other members crowded around the table.

It looked they were watching something but because he was still drowsy and not that interested, he walked over to the fridge in search for something that would be able to wake him up. He spotted some grape juice sitting in the back and took it out. Too lazy to get a cup, he uncapped it and chugged the liquid straight out of the bottle.

"Kim Taehyung, what the hell were you thinking?" Yoongi sneered angrily from behind, catching the boy off guard. It wasn't like it was the first time he had drunken out from the bottle.

"I don't have any diseases, hyung. Didn't we already settle this?" Taehyung replied, returning the bottle into the refrigerator.

"That's not what he's talking about," Hoseok commented as he went over and led the younger male to the table. Everyone had made room for him and Taehyung suddenly found himself forced into a chair, a laptop planted in front of him. He was utterly confused and looked at the six males with his brows furrowed.

"Why does it feel like you guys are all burning holes through my skull right now?" he questioned.

"Look for yourself." Seokjin sighed as he jerked his head toward the electronic device.

Hesitantly, Taehyung conceded and what he was greeted with next had his jaw hitting the floor.

Hesitantly, Taehyung conceded and what he was greeted with next had his jaw hitting the floor

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"Oh my god," he choked out, his eyes drinking in every single word typed out.

"That was our reaction as well," Jimin pointed out quietly. "How could you let this happen, Taehyung?"

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