His promise.

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Picture of Eli after he tossed Bella into the air.^^^^^

Bella's pov:
I can't believe he just left were did he go, and how was he so fast. Then I felt this gust of wind flow past me I turned in the direction of where the wind went to. ''Over here.'' This voice wich sounded like Eli whispered in my ear. I turned again trying to keep up with the wind that seemed to go around me, was Eli really that fast. I could have never imagined that vampires really possessed such power.
''Eli you can stop now I believe you, that you would not have needed the sparkle but that your speed would be enough.'' I said into the empty field I was standing in. Eli scared me by coming up behind me and saying. ''Oh but I can do so much more Bella.'' He then lifted me off the ground making me screech out. He then proceeded to toss me into the air make me scream even more. ''Stop Eli you've proven yourself just let me down before I have to puke.'' He layed me back down in to the soft gras smirking at me while I was trying to catch my breath. ''I hate you.'' I said to him and in a brief moment his face turned almost sad but he quickly turned it around by smirking at me while saying no you don't.'' ''And how would you know hmh?'' I asked him. ''Because I can hear the blood streaming through your veines and going into your cheeks right this second.'' And he was right cause right after that my face heated up. '' I guess that part sucks about being a vampire.'' I said to no one in particuler. ''For me it doesn't it just does for you hahah.'' He laughed, his laugh was adorable I feel like a stupid fan girl gushing over a celebrity. ''Can you tell me something about your kind and family?'' I said trying to make the mood a little more serious, plus I was just curious to find out more about the creatures I've admired for years. ''Well as you already know we have super speed and strength, we sparkle in the sun, we survive of off blood. You see me and my family we are different from most vampire covens, we live of off animal blood that also explains why our eyes are golden instead of red. Plus some of us get special powers me for instance I can read minds.'' I already started to panick could he really read all I have said about him? ''But there is one thing that frustrates me, I can't read yours.'' Oh thank God, That's such a relief. ''Well sorry you're not allowed into my mind but I really do not mind.'' ''Haha ofcourse not why would you be happy with that.'' He laughed. ''Okay uhm Alice jeah she can see into the future, but it's  objective meaning it can always change by ehat people decide. And Jasper he's an ampath wich means he can alter and feel what other people feel.'' When Eli was done telling me that I was amazed by how talented his family is. ''And I guess these are not really power, but my 'mom' Esme she and Rosalie have a very powerfull motherly instinct they just always want to take care of everything. And my 'dad' Carlisle he can resist the temtation of blood he even works as a doktor, which I highly admire and by stupid brother Emmet he is the strongest vampire we have ever seen.'' ''Wow thats so cool I wish I had the power to become invisible sometimes, I'm such a kluts I trip over everything.'' I said blood once again rushing to my cheeks. Eli then did something I did not expect he stroked my cheek. ''Bella I'll be there to catch you if you fall, I promise.'' he said in such a serious way it kind of frightened me. ''You can't always be there Eli.'' I said turning my face away from his burning stare. ''I know but I can always try.''


Authors note:
Please let me know what you are thinking i'm curious also let me know what you would might like changed. And vote for this story it is for the thirty day writing challenge! 
Thank you in advance, xxx vampire_loverrr.

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