Chapter 16

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Christmas morning.

Those were my first thoughts when I blinked open my eyes the following morning.

Christmas morning for me had always meant getting up impossibly early to see if Father Christmas had come yet. I had completely proven to myself that this magical Christmas entity didn't exist when I was about five, but it was still fun to wake up and see the presents under the tree. The glowing angel that topped the tree always seemed to wink at me, telling me that I'd gotten quite a few wonderful gifts that year. Then I'd run to my parents room, wake them, and the three of us would make hot cocoa and open presents together.

Now, in the present, I sat up carefully in bed and checked the clock; half-past nine. Smiling, I pulled back the blankets and stood up. I pulled my dressing gown off of its hanger and tugged it on. Smoothing my hair with one hand, I used the other to open my door. I would wake Draco, and this time I'd do it without sneaking up on him.

I knocked in his door, but the only response I got was a sleepy grunt. Rolling my eyes, I opened his door and walked in. He lay, tangled in his sheets, quite peacefully. Most of his pale chest was exposed, and I took a moment to admire the view, my cheeks flaming. Shaking my head to clear it, I started forward, trying to make enough noise to wake him. I didn't much fancy being tickled again.

   Sadly, by the time I had reached him, he had hardly stirred. Hardly. He had moved enough to expose the navy blue waistband of his pajama trousers, giving me an unencumbered view of his chest. Shaking my head again, I looked back at his face and tried not to let my gaze wander. Gingerly, I reached out my hand to connect with his pale shoulder. The skin was warm and smooth. I gave him a brisk shake, watching as his face went from impassive to annoyed.

   And then back to impassive.

   Groaning, I shook him a little more vigorously, though this time I didn't get a reaction at all.

   Except for the small twitch of his lips.

   Convinced he was pretending, I hit him lightly on the same shoulder, "Come on, not funny, Draco. Get up."

   His eyes fluttered open, and he yawned exaggeratedly. He glanced at me, and then the clock. "Why did you wake me at this hour?"

   "It's Christmas, lazy!" I exclaimed.

   He sat up, fully dislodging the blankets, "I don't see why this is a reason to wake me this early."

   "It's bloody quarter to ten!"

   "I need beauty rest."

   Rolling my eyes in exasperation, I turned away from him, intent on going back to the presents stacked at the foot of my bed. The sound of his voice stopped me.

   "And Hermione?"

   I turned. He stood behind me, tall as ever, in nothing but those navy trousers. His longish white-blonde hair was a mess across his pale forehead, and his sharp gray eyes held the most peculiar expression.

   "What is it?" I asked, slightly confused at the expression in his eyes. It was almost... need.

   He smirked, "Where you trying to show off?"

   "What d'you mean?"

   He wordlessly gestured to the front of my dressing gown. I glanced down, cheeks ablaze, to find it mostly open, showing quite a bit of my chest. I had worn a spaghetti-strapped top with my fluffy pajama bottoms. I quickly untied the dressing gown, fixed it, and retied it. I glanced back up at his smirking face.

   His eyes, though.

   His eyes said something different than that smirk. I didn't want to think about what, though.

   "Well, I'm going to... you know." I said, gesturing to the door.

   "Sure," He said, "I'll be there in a few moments."

   "I thought you needed your beauty rest?"

   "Shut up."


   Together, Draco and I made quick work of our presents. I got books. Lots of books. Soon, I had only one present left.

   It was a small box, silver, and tied with a scarlet ribbon. It's tag had only my name on it, written in neat, elegant script. It- the writing- didn't look very feminine, though. I glanced back at Draco, and he looked right back, impassive. Surely it wasn't from him?

   With careful fingers, I untied the ribbon. It fell away, and I quickly tore through the silver wrappings. The box underneath was small and black. With shaking fingers, I opened it.

   Inside was the most dazzling necklace I had ever seen. It was set with a diamond as large as my thumbnail, surrounded by emeralds. It hung on a delicate thread of silver. As much as it reminded me of the Slytherin banned, I loved it. It had Draco written all over it.

   I turned to him, beaming. He was grinning back at me, kneeling beside me on the floor. Wordlessly, I sprung forward and pulled him into a hug, wrapping my arms around his neck. His arms came up and encircled my waist. 

   I stayed there, hugging him, for almost a full minute. He said nothing, returning my embrace with equal verve. Eventually, we got up from the floor, and, me wearing his necklace, went to his room to unwrap his presents.


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