Chapter 18

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   Glancing backward at Draco, I started up the staircase. He was acting rather odd, I thought. Still, I wasn't about to complain. This Christmas had been rather pleasant in his company. Well, more than pleasant, if I was being truthful. I still couldn't believe he had gotten me a gift. I ran my thumb over the emerald necklace as I continued up the stairs. I chanced another look back. Draco was walking in the other direction, easily visible with his vivid hair. His arms swung slightly, but much less than they used to. I smiled to myself, remembering the way he used to strut about the castle. His walk was a bit less... showy now.

I ran my fingers over the smooth wood of the banister as I continued up another flight of stairs. For the first time all day, I let my thoughts drift to the darker happenings of the year. There hadn't been an attack in a while... instead of comforting me, this thought set me on edge. Unless I was very much mistaken, this person wouldn't give up so easily. The worst was yet to come.

Sighing as I reached the top of the stairs, I turned the corner. One more flight of stairs. I ascended, careful to jump the trick step. I couldn't do anything about the attacks yet, because I hadn't a clue as to who was responsible for them. It was a waiting game... and I couldn't change that. Still, I vowed I would find out just who had killed Susan Bones and Frederick Dulcan, and almost killed Ginny. I just needed some sort of lead!

As I neared Snape's portrait I cast these frustrating and depressing thoughts from my mind. It was Christmas. I should be cheerful. I should be grateful that I had lived to see this Christmas. I should be grateful that most of my friends had lived to see this Christmas. I should-

"Miss Granger?"

I started, a small cry escaping my parted lips. I stood in front of Snape's portrait. Too late, I realized I had been muttering to myself. Snape's black eyes bored into me.

"Er- how long have I been standing here?" I asked, cheeks aflame.

"A minute," He said, looking vaguely amused, "Miss Granger, I have a message for you."

"From whom?" I asked, suddenly curious.

"No one of consequence," He replied smoothly.

"But you must-"

"Your message is as follows;" He continued as if he hadn't heard me, "Tread carefully."

"That- that's it?" I asked in bewilderment.

He just stared down the end of his hooked nose at me.

Frustrated, I muttered the password and stormed into the common room. The fire was dying down, so I took out my wand and lit it again. Satisfied with the roaring fire, I laid my wand on one of the tables and collapsed on the couch in front of the fire. I was slightly drowsy, not to mention still seething from my encounter with Snape. I sighed, rolling onto my side and facing the warm fire. It crackled merrily. I breathed deeply. The warm room smelled of pine and... something else. Draco's cologne? It must have been. I inhaled again. It was fresh and... somehow comforting. I snuggled against the soft cushions, pulling a blanket over myself as I did. I was really all that tired, but this felt nice. I closed my eyes, smiling to myself.

Footsteps knocked me out of my stupor. I sat up just in time to see Draco enter the common room, carrying a tray of... something. I couldn't tell what, as he was holding it in the shadows. His eyes swept the room before they found me. Carefully balancing the tray, he made his way over to couch where I lay sprawled. I hastened to make room for him, pulling my knees to my chest. He placed the tray on the table, and in the firelight I could see that it held two steaming mugs.

"Hot chocolate," He said, catching my questioning look.

"Oh," I said, smiling, "Thank you, Draco."

"It's no problem," He said nonchalantly, handing me a mug. He picked up the second one and sat down beside me.

I took a sip, letting the warmth of the hot chocolate wash over me. I smiled, looking over at Draco. He gave me a small grin. I took another sip, leaning back and relaxing. There was a dollop of whipped cream on top. Had he known that that was my favorite?

He glanced at me and smirked, putting down his half-full mug and turning toward me. Confused, I gave him a questioning look.

"You've got whipped cream on your lip." His smirk stayed in place, but there was a subtle change in the look in his eyes.

"Oh- er..." I touched the tip of my finger to my upper lip, pulling it away to find it covered in fluffy white whipped cream. I raised my arm to wipe it away, but Draco reached out and caught my wrist. My eyes found his, and I raised an eyebrow in question. He stared evenly back at me, his gray eyes darkening as he gently pulled my hand away from my face. His other hand carefully grasped my mug and pulled it away, placing it on the table. All of this seemed to happen quickly, but time slowed down as he leaned in.

   We were centimeters apart, our breaths mingling, when he stopped. My eyes, which had been half closed, opened again. Draco was staring me down, resolutely still. His warmth and presence were intoxicating, but I forced myself to stay present without too much difficulty.

   Okay, I'll admit it. I was using all of my will power.

   Still he watched me, not speaking. I got the feeling that he was waiting for me to do something. Cautiously, I wrapped my arms around his neck. His arm snaked around my waist. I allowed my eyes to flutter shut once more, and I closed the gap between us.


   He tasted of hot chocolate.

   I don't know how long we sat there, kissing, but when we broke apart my lips were hot and inflamed, as were his. I looked up at him solemnly. He looked back at me, daring me to run.

   I didn't.

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