Chapt. 1: New Beginnings

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Geovanna's POV

"Are you sure about this?", Oscar my brother says helping me zip my last luggage. "Yes I think it will be better for me.", I said. "Your pregnant Geovanna, walking around streets of Barcelona alone?! I don't think it's better.", my sister Gabriela said. "Have you um heard from him?", my other sister Daniela said. "No and I'm glad.", I said sternly.

"I'm truly going to miss England.", I said while we were driving to the airport. "I know but you can come back anytime, Ludy and Júlia are going to miss you.", Oscar said as we got to the Airport."I'm going to miss them too.", I said as I slowly got out the car. There was a lot of paparazzi in front of the airport. "Everyone please move.", Oscar said guiding me into the airport.

I hear my flight to Barcelona will be boarding in 5 minutes. At this point I was in full tears and Oscar was tearing up. "I love you Oscar.", I said then I hugged him. "I love you too Geo, take care of my niece, tell me when she is born.", Oscar said breaking away the hug. "Of course I will I love you too.", I said grabbing my purse and tickets and got on the plane.

I found a seat and sat down putting on my ear buds listening to Kehlani.

Let me tell you a little about my ex. I don't want to say his name, because everytime I see it or hear it my heart drops. Well I met him in Brazil, he was very sweet, funny, handsome and overall amazing. We decided to keep our relationship more on the private side. Our families only knew I was dating a guy. We didn't even want to tell our parents each others names. I started developing feelings for him and I think he did too. We were only together for two months. I figured out I was pregnant and when I went to his apartment to go tell him the news I saw him fucking another woman. I yelled to him I'm pregnant and all he yelled back was, "THE BABY IS NOT EVEN MINE. IF SO I DONT WANT ANYTHING TO DEAL WITH IT."

Those words stabbed me in the heart and those scars will always hurt me. I will admit I loved him and I always will no matter if he doesn't love me or if I never see him again.

My family knows my ex cheated and said the words he said. They wanted to beat his ass, but they couldn't without knowing who he was.

I keep thinking about him. No matter how much he hurt me he was the best mistake ever. A week later I changed my hair style. I cut my long ombre hair to about shoulder length and put blue highlights in it like Kylie Jenner. I also got more pale so I'm not tan like I use to. No one ever recognized me. I also have Grey contacts, the doctors only had Grey left.

My baby is going to be a girl. I can't wait for her to be in this world. I already know what I'm going to name her. I need to get an place, furniture and mostly baby stuff. I'm like in the beginning of my third trimester.

My baby won't have her father in her life, I feel bad. I mean it would be worse if I was having a boy. I wouldn't be able to give him guy advice in life. Both sexes need father figures in their life, but not all can get that.

As I see the airplane lights go off and people fall asleep. I decided to talk to my bump.

Hey baby I know it's going to be hard but we will get through this. Mommy loves you.

Neymar's POV

Training was over and I started driving home. I was thinking about her my ex. I never wanted to cheat on her, I was drunk and I regret everything I did. Having sex with another girl and most important the words I said. I remembered she said she was pregnant and I said I didn't want to do anything with it.

I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. Now I have another son or daughter I will never see. It's sad and it hurts but it's my karma. She was so beautiful, sweet, funny, down to earth and much more. She had tan skin, long ombre hair, Brown eyes, 5"5, a laugh she thought was annoying but I thought it was sexy and she was perfect for me.

I open my door and I see Poker running to me. "Oi Poker.", I said petting him. "Papai.", I heard my 4 old son says as he comes running to me. "Oi filho.", I said picking him up which is getting harder and harder to do as he's getting older. "Where's Rafa and Marcela?", I asked while closing the door. "In the living room.", Davi said as we walked to the living room.
"Oi Juniho.", Marcela and Rafa said getting up from the couch. "Was Davi good?", I asked. "Of course I was good papai.", Davi said as we laughed. "Yes he was good.", Rafa said.

Currently Davi, Rafa and I are at the airport. Davi is going to back to Brazil for a week to be with his mãe. "Be good okay, tell mãe, vovó and vovô I said hi.", I said to Davi as he nodded. Also Rafa is going back to Brazil, I will in a few weeks but I still got a few matches.

Their flight was announced saying they will be boarding in 5 minutes. "Alright Davi I'll see you later eu te amo.", I said then kissed his forehead. "Okay, Eu também te amo papai.", Davi said then hugged me. "I'll call you when we get there Juniho, eu te amo Neymar.", Rafa said while we were hugging. "Okay, eu também te amo Rafaella.", I said breaking away the hug then kissed her cheek.

Geovanna's POV

I got off the plane and the gate that was next to the one I got out it was going to Brazil. I saw this tan guy who looked familiar. I keep walking to the baggage claim and got my bags.

I went outside the airport and tried to get a taxi. Oh shit I don't know Spanish, at least Portuguese is kind of like it. A taxi stopped for me finally and a man got out the car. "Yo te ayudo con las maletas.", the 40 year old looking man said. I didn't understand. "Qual?", I responded in Portuguese.

"Você precisa de ajuda perder?", I heard a low familiar voice. I look to my right and I meet with the hazel green eyes I fell in love with. Neymar.

Authors Note:

Cliffhanger I'm sorry!!!!!! This is the beginning of my new story You Never Let Go!!!!! I can't wait to write this!!!! Geovanna is Jasmine V . I love you all bye!!!!

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