"True love doesn't mean inseparable; It means being separated and nothing changes."-unknown
Geovanna Emboaba has been through a lot lately. Her boyfriend got her pregnant then cheats on her, and does not want anything to do wi...
"Mommy don't touch my hair!", Liam whined. I have no another choice its really messy I have to do it. "Please Liam I need to do it.", I said trying to put my hand in his hair, but he keeps moving his head. "No.", he whined. "I'll do it like papai's.", I bribed him. "Okay.", he said.
I don't get it. He always agrees with his Papai. What ever he does Liam will copy. After I was done he looked handsome.
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The doorbell rang and Liam ran to it. I looked through the hole and saw it was Neymar. I opened the door and he locked his phone. Neymar looked pretty good looking with his black long sleeve shirt, with the sleeves up showing his tat- Geovanna stop!! Why am I thinking of him like that? I'm engaged. "Papai!!", he said and hugged his legs. "Ola filho.", he said.
Neymar's POV
Geovanna was staring at me and then shook her head. "Vanna are you okay?", I asked. "Yeah I'm fine.", she said. "Liam say goodbye.", I said. "Bye mommy.", he said while she picked him up. "Bye Liam être un bon garçon Je t'aime.", she said. I don't know what she said but it was so god damn sexy. "Je t'aime trop maman.", Liam said and she kissed his cheek.
Man Liam is lucky he gets to see her almost every day. The things I would do if I saw her every day. Stop Neymar! I took liams hand. "Bye Geovanna.", I said and waved. "Bye ney.", she said and I smiled as she closed the door knowing what I was going to say.
My parents were in the car. My mae and pai are taking Liam to the zoo or something like that."Vovo!", Liam said to my mae. "Ola baby.", she said while I put him in his car seat.
I got in the drivers seat. "Filho you're almost late to training. "I know.", I said and sighed.
I got to the training area, and I rushed out. I went to liams side of the car and opened the door. "bye Liam be a good boy I love you.", I said and kissed his forehead. "I love you too papai.", I said. "Bye Mae and pai I love you.", I said. I closed the door and ran. I was late.
Geovanna's POV
After I showered I was getting ready to hang out with Kara, Marco and Anaïs. I got a call from Alex and I put it on speaker while I was getting ready. "Hey babe.", Alex said. "Ola Alex I miss you.", I said while going in my closet picking out an outfit. "I miss you too what are you doing?", Alex said. "Getting ready to hang out with Kara, Marco and Anaïs. How about you?", I asked while changing.
"Sitting in our house alone thinking about you.", he said and I blushed. "Awe Alex we will be together soon, hang out with your sisters.", I suggested. "you're right I guess I will, well I got to go, ill talk to you later I love you.", he said. "I love you too bye!", I said and hung up.
When I finished getting ready I sat on the couch looking through my maternity pictures. I think I want to have another baby. I just don't know when. Liam is growing up so fast that I want to experience all of that again.
Neymar's POV
"Guys you know who is so fine?", Rafinha said. "Who?", Oscar said chuckling. "Your sister Geovanna. Oh God damn.", he said licking his lips. Oh I know Rafinha I know. The team agreed, I just didn't say anything. "Eww that's my sister guys and she taken guys sorry.", he said.
"Damn it, you were lucky Neymar to hit that.", Rafinha said. "Oh yeah Neymar I haven't forgot that be careful.", Oscar warned me. The team was murmuring ooh. "How was it like Neymar?", Marcelo asked. "That's confidential information that I will only know.", I said. The team was murmuring ooh again.
Once I finished changing I called gil and jo to pick me up. I guess its time to let the world know that I'm liams father.
I posted a selfie of Liam and I. Caption: I would like to introduce all of you to my son Liam. I might of met him 3 weeks ago but I feel like I've known him all his 3 years of life. I'm here now and I will never leave. I love you Liam.
Geovanna's POV
I can't believe he told the public that he is liams father. He didn't even ask me. My family doesn't know and I don't even think his son knows he has a brother.
"Um Geo are you okay?", Kara asked. "I don't know, Neymar told the public about Liam but my family doesn't know and I'm pretty sure his son doesn't even know.", I said. "Oh yeah its online everywhere.", Marco said looking through his phone.
"Just go on twitter and answer some questions.", Kara said rocking Anaïs. "Alright.", I said.
"Ola everyone I'm going to be answering questions, feel free to ask me any questions. Bye!", I said and posted it on Twitter. I started getting a lot of questions.
"Did you and Neymar date?" "Yes in June 2015."
Why did you and Neymar break up or Neymar leave you and Liam? I would ask Neymar that question.
If Liam was a pro futebol player what national team would represent France or Brasil? Probably Brasil his passion for the game is very much brasilian.
Do you want any more kids or was Liam was a one time thing accident? Liam was not an accident I love him so much. I would do anything for him. Being a mother has changed my life. I do want more kids in the future.
I answered some more but most of them were asking why Neymar left. I really wish sometimes I wasn't famous.
I changed out my other clothes and put on some other clothes. I started cooking and listening to music.
I heard the doorbell rang so I went to go get it. It was Neymar and my baby boy. "Mommy!!", Liam said and put his arms up and I picked him up. "Hi baby.", I said and smiled. "Vanna I'm sorry about all the hate your getting.", Neymar said. "Neymar I don't care about that I'm mad that you told the public with my permission, my family didn't know and doesn't your son know?", I asked.
"No my son doesn't know. Geovanna that's your responsibility to tell your family. I don't need your permission I'm his father and an adult!", Neymar said getting angry. "Whatever Neymar.", I said. I closed the door before he could say and put Liam down.
Authors Note:
Who saw the Barça game yesterday? 6-0!!!! Yaaasss baby!!