35: Not Again

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Geovanna's POV

I woke up and I felt like a train ran into my head. I looked around and I saw I was naked. No no no. There was a guy to my left and I look closely and knew it was Neymar. "AAHHH!! NO!!", I screamed. Neymar's light sleeping ass woke up.

"What's wrong?", he said in his sleepy voice rubbing his eyes. "What did I do yesterday? Were you even drunk?", I asked freaking out. "No I wasn't drunk and its pretty obvious what we did last night.", he said. "No stupid what did I say, did I say anything stupid?", I said. "Have you tried to remember.", he said and trying to go back to bed.

"Your not off the hook yet Neymar.", I said and then started to put the events from last night in order.

I remember telling Neymar I love him, and I'm about to break up with Alex. I sighed, I told him my feelings I told him the truth I tried to bottle up. That's probably what led up to us having sex.

Neymar's POV

"Neymar?", I heard Geovanna said. "Yes?", I asked sleepy. "Did you um you know.", she said. "I know what your talking about and no last time I checked my pull out game is strong.", I said. "Good because I'm not having another child with you.", she said.

"Ouch.", I said. "Shut up.", she said. "Do you regret it?", I asked. "No, but I wish I didn't fuck my friend.", she said. I'm glad she said she didn't regret it, because I sure as hell didn't. I do think I should of stopped her but I was drunk in love.

Geovanna got up with the sheet around her with her clothes and went out the room. I took a shower and changed clothes.

Geovanna's POV

I took a shower in Rafa's bathroom. While I was in the shower I cried in slid down and landed on the floor. I cheated on Alex; I'm not the person who usually cheats, but I just did. Alex doesn't deserve this. I don't want to let him go though.

I got out the shower and needed to get clothes. Damnit. I started going downstairs to Rafa's room to get clothes. Its so cold. "Geo what are you doing here?", I heard Rafaella's voice. "I need a change of clothes.", I said. "Oh okay go ahead.", she said.

I changed into her leggings and a crop top. I tried walking out of her and I felt a someone put me back in the room. "I need to talk to you.", Rafaella said. "Okay what about.", I said while she closed the door. "I heard noises last night is everything okay?", she said. I started crying again. "No Rafa.", I said.

Neymar's POV

I was walking downing the hall and stopped at my sister's door. I'm sorry its a habit of eavesdropping.
"I heard noises last night is everything okay?", Rafa said. I heard Geovanna crying. "No Rafa.", Vanna said. My heart dropped.

"What happened?", my sister said. "I had sex with your brother last night.", Geovanna said. "What?! Geovanna Why? How?", Rafa asked. "I said some things that were all true and couldn't help it but kiss him I guess?!", Geovanna said sobbing. "Wait what he got you pregnant?!", my sister said which isn't a surprise. "No Rafa he said he didn't do that.", Geovanna said.

Geovanna's POV

"I would just be sercure so if I was you I would just buy the pill.", Rafa said. "I mean yeah I guess so I'm not having another child with him.", I said.

2 days later

Neymar and I haven't been talking at all. I also have ignored Alex's texts.

I was thinking about what Rafaella said. I'm just going to buy the pill just to be sure.

"Liam!", I said getting his attention. He stopped playing with the ball and ran to me. "What is it mommy?", he asked. "We are going to the store.", I said and picked him up.

I put him in his car seat and then started driving to the drugstore. "Mommy when will I see papai?", Liam asked. "Soon baby he is just really busy.", I lied. "Okay.", he said.

I went in and looked for the plan B. I really shouldn't have to be the paying almost 50 dollars for something I didn't do, but its whatever. I went to the cash register; the lady was old. She looked at the plan B, then Liam, then me. "Um.", she said.

"That is very unprofessional you should really keep your opinions to yourself.", I said the most nice way possible. She put my plan B in a bag and rolled her eyes.

Liam and I got in the car and I checked my phone before I start driving. I got a voice mail from Neymar. I opened it and listened. "Ola Geovanna it's me, Neymar, hey I'm sorry about the other day. Can we forget about the other day and move on. I know its weird but I don't want that to effect us. I also want to see my son again sooo yeah. I can come over to you and Oscar's house, if that's fine. Bye Geovanna.", the voice mail said.

I sent a text to him. Yeah we can move on from that, and you can come over I forgive you but. He knows the rest.

I started driving back to the house. Once I got there I saw Neymar's car in the driveway. I got out and took Liam out his car seat and put him on my hip. Neymar and davi got out of his car and walked our to us. "Papai!!", Liam exclaimed and I put him down. Neymar picked him up. "Ola filho.", he said and started kissing him him everywhere. "Ola Davi.", I said. "Ola Geovanna.", he said and I hugged him.

"Oi Davi.", Liam said when Neymar put him down. "Hey Liam.", Davi said and rubbed his head. "No touch.", Liam said. We all laughed.

Everyone is inside the house. I forgot the Plan B in the car. Shit! "Hey I'll be back I forgot something in my car.", I said quickly grabbed my keys and went out the door. I grabbed the bag and went back in the house. I went to the refrigerator and got a figi water bottle. I went to the bathroom so no one knew. I took the pill then put the box in the trash can.

I walked out and went to my room and got my big ass bag of trollie candy. I know so unhealthy, American candy is great. I went downstairs and sat down on the couch. Everyone looked at me wanting my candy. I gave everyone two worms except Liam. I ate half of a worm then gave him the other half.

Neymar's POV

I needed to use the bathroom. "I'm going to use the bathroom.", I said and went to the bathroom. As I was pissing I saw a box in the trash can. I looked at it more clearly and saw it say "Plan B". Oh my God Geovanna I swear.

I took the box with me. "Geovanna come here for a sec.", I said. She came over to me and we went to the kitchen. I put the box on the counter top. "Explain please.", I said. "Neymar I'm just making sure I don't get any chance of being pregnant now.", she said. "Geovanna I told you I didn't do it.", I said. "You said that last time and look what happened.", she hissed.

"Geovanna even if I did it would be too late for that pill to work. The box says the sooner you take it the better Plan B One Step® works.", I said. "I'm just being sure Neymar.", I said. "Just trust me your not pregnant. If some reason you are pregnant I will be with you every step this time I'm not going anywhere.", I said and hugged her.

Author's note:


Sorry about the slow ass updates school is a bitch. Next week is my last week of school so hell yeah!!

My birthday is soon!!

I love you all thank you for waiting till next time!!

Gotta blast!!!

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