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It was peaceful in Cassandras apartment. Like she had said it wasn't very big, it had a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom and two bedrooms. Marco and Ambrosia decided to share a bed and Jack was to sleep on the couch. Marco and Ambrosia were asleep once their heads hit the pillow but Jack on the other hand wasn't in the mood for sleeping. He was standing out on the balcony watching the late night traffic. He heard a sound from behind him and turned to see Cassandra standing there in a dressing gown.

"Couldn't sleep?"

"I rarely sleep nowadays. I'm usually unconscious from injuries or poison."

"Somebodies feeling cheery tonight."

"It's the facts."

"So whatcha thinking about?"

"The army that is going to attack Earth."

"You and Marco could hand yourselves over, then Earth would be safe."

"No it wouldn't. I know Tom well enough to know when he's lying. He wants me and Marco because we're a threat to his marriage. If he leaves the Earth alone Star could come back and hear talk about an army from the underworld that took away two boys called Jack Frost and Marco Diaz. She'd connect the dots pretty fast."

"I see. What are you going to do about the Government then? They've got a manhunt for the two of you."

"That's just a ruse so we don't suspect they are following us. See that van over there?" Jack pointed to a bright green van parked down the road from the building in.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"That belongs to what you call the FBI. They've been following us since we talked to your mother a few hours ago."

"How'd you know?"

"I'm a very good warrior, I watch my surroundings. I've seen the same man in a few different locations today."

"That could be coincidence."

"I doubt it. I saw him following us in that van on our way to your apartment. They might have avoided detection if they knew me at all. I bet they've got all the information on Marco and they've probably been going crazy looking for some info on me. They won't find any. I'm not from this planet and I've only been on it for just over a week in my entire life."

"So what are you going to do?"

"Let them think they're sneaky and let them catch me. That makes getting closer to the president a lot easier."

"Really? Your plan to save the Earth is to get captured?"

"Pretty much. An earthling once said, appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak. That's what I plan to do."

"So you are going to let them capture you so you can get close to the president?"


"Well I'll go back to bed now, you should get some rest."

"I'll try. Sleep well."

"You to." Cassandra left the balcony and Jack turned back to the city to think.

(Time skip)

Ambrosia got up at around ten thirty. Marco was still asleep so she got up quietly and walked into the lounge. Cassandra and Jack were sitting at the dining table talking and drinking coffee.

"Morning guys." Ambrosia said.

"Hey Ambrosia! Did you sleep well?" Cassandra said

"I slept great, your bed is really comfy."

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