Fire and Ice

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If you think that this chapter is a bit rubbish tell me and I'll change it.

Mars. The red planet. Humans have debated about it having life our not for many years. In the year 2020 there was life, even if it was only for a short time. This life form was located in the crater of the largest volcano in the solar system, the Olympus Mons. Its timing could not have been worse. For the first time in twenty five million years it was preparing to erupt. Being the size of the state of Arizona and three times the height of Mt Everest there wasn't much chance for the boy. Well, that would have been the case if he was just an average boy. He had magic on his side. When he woke up the volcano was ready to blow. As he sat up he realised that he was sitting on a very large volcano that was about to erupt.

"Well shit." Jack said. Then he had an idea. He held out his hand and his staff flew into his hand from the sky. "Looks like I'll get the crystal later." A red bubble with all sorts of ancient markings on it appeared around him. A few seconds later the volcano erupted. It sent rock, lava and ash everywhere. The eruption was so large that the top two kilometres of the volcano were destroyed and some of the debris made it up to thirty five kilometres above the surface. Jack however was gone. The second the eruption happened the bubble disappeared from the planet Mars. it came flying out of a hole in the ground in the Underworld.

Something you have to understand about the Underworld is that it is under ground, but not like you'd think. Unless you've been there you'd think that it was a network of tunnels and caverns that worked their way under the surface of a planet somewhere. It's not. The Underworld is actually in a hollow planet, built around the underside of the crust. Its light source is an orb a kilometre across that floats in the middle. The civilisation stayed where it was because, for some reason that nobody could explain, the gravity was reversed. Any questions about thing like that in the Underworld were just put down to magic. Most of the commoners hadn't even left the planet before as dimensional scissors didn't work there. To get away from there you had to have something with the correct markings on it. Then you needed fire, lava, an explosion or something like that to activate them and they went to the place the markings described. Not an easy feat for someone who hadn't even heard of this technique. If they wanted to leave they had to go to the palace and ask King Toms representative. Only difference was that today Tom was in the castle and it was on lockdown. He was hiding from Jack.

(Castle of the Underworld)

"King Tom!" one of the generals shouted out as he ran into the throne room.

"What is it?"

"Just a few minutes ago a portal opened and it came from the Earth dimension. We have reason to believe that Jack Frost is currently here and coming towards here." Fear flashed across Toms face but it was gone as fast as it had appeared.

"Did you retrieve the wand from Earth?"


"Good. Get my wife. Jack won't attack if her life is in danger."

"Will do sir." The general left the room and left Tom to his thoughts.

"God dammit. This isn't how it was supposed to go." He said. They had put in a lot of planning for this moment but it had all gone to waste. Jack had tricks up his sleeve that they hadn't known about. He had killed a lot of soldiers. Being rather new recruits they were expendable but there had been some talent among the group. Then he had destroyed his ship. It had taken a lot of money and many years to build. Another one would be too expensive for him to make. He knew that his death was inventible so he wanted Star to see the side of Jack that killed in anger. That would hopefully ruin any chance of them getting back together.

"Sir. We have Queen Butterfly." The general said.

"Good. Bring her in." A few seconds later Star was dragged into the room. The soldiers shoved her forwards and she fell to her knees.

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