Chapter 2

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Kyle POV
After parking my car in the school's parking lot and getting out my girlfriend of the week; Stacey St'Clair wearing a really tight yellow tank top and no bra, a short shorts made for middle schooler's, a caked face and high heels she is hot, mean to those who are lowest of the low, a nice body, a tan, blond hair and sea blue eyes.
As we were making out my best friend and beta mind linked me saying that we have a new girl at school and she is really hot. But that she is wearing a school uniform which is weird considered that this is a non uniform school.

As the bell rings everyone goes inside and as I walk in the hallway I smell a faint but mouth watering smell of pine trees and raspberries my wolf Zac said Mate!Mate! Find her! Make her ours!! I tell him to chill and we will see her later because her sent is faint.

Maki POV
First and second period went by a blur and Alice is in all of my classes, well I didn't have to introduced myself in front of the class, I'm not afraid my parents had train me how to use my powers and when I shift into my angel my black hair turns white and my eyes turn dark blue and my cloths turn into a long lose dress and my big angel wings show and my parents said I looked like a goddess. When I shift into my forest fairy my hair turns dark purple like my eyes and my cloths turn into a purple lace top and a short purple skirt and my shoes turn into purple flats, my fairy name is Vedie which means "Spirt from the Forest" when my fairy takes control both of my eyes turn purple but when she is pissed they turn a forest green and she can control all of nature but she can't kill someone cause my angel won't let her, my angel's name is Kumo which means "Cloud".

As me and Alice were walking to math class this wolf boy tried to grab my ass so my fairy took over and turned around and grabed his arm and twist it around his back and slamed his body to the tile floor in a hallway full of students, humans and supernaturals. My eyes glowed a forest green and Vedie whispers in his ear so low he would only hear " If you ever and I mean EVER trie and grab my ass again you won't be able to have any children! Understand!?" He nodden so Vedie got off him and let me have control and me and Alice walk back to class.

Once we get to class I knew my soul mate was inside and when I looked at the back I saw him in a black leather jacket a black tight T-shirt that showed his abs and muscles and six pack and black jeans and sneakers he has dirty blond hair and baby blue eyes and looks 6'7 and his wolf is an alpha werewolf with midnight black fur and red eyes but what pissed me off is that he has a blond bimbo slut on his lap.

So I keep myself calm and go the teacher Mr. Fitzgibben and middle age man in late 30's and in a dark green dress shirt brown Kakis and matching shoes. He has dark brown hair and light brown eyes and he is tiger. I hand him my schedule and stands up and tells the classroom of students to be quiet and that I'm new. Once he gave the order for me to go on so I cleared my throat before speaking. "Hello, my name is Maki Takashima. And I moved her from my old school in Tokonosu city, Japan. Any questions?" Several people has their hand up so I picked a female student in the front row who is wearing a short dark blue T-shirt blue jeans and green vans she has tan skin dark red hair and green eyes. She asked why I move here? And I said "To get closer with my older brother and his wife and children, I haven't seen my big brother in years." The slut in my mates lap said why are you wearing that? "This is my school uniform from Taku Senior High School." And the last person to answer was the guy who I slammed into the floor earlier, Why did you slam me to the floor what did I do to you? "I saw you trying to grab my ass, plus I hate perverted dogs." That last one got the wolves in this class freeze and the other students to laugh. Before I sat down my mates gets up out of his seat grabs my wrist and drags me to the the hall with the teacher calling him.

I get tired of this and yank my hand out of his grip he turns and growls at me but I Am not afraid of him. "What's your full name human!?!" Really did he not pay attention back in class I know he is going to reject me because he judges people on their looks and my fairy and angel hate him already. "I Kyle Snowfall, Alpha of the Snowfall Pack reject Maki Takashima as my mate and Luna." He smirks thinking that I would be in pain but I'm stronger than him so I said " I Maki Takashima, daughter of Alpha Akira and Luna Yuki Takashima of the Secret Forest Pack accept Kyle Snowfall's rejection of his mate and Luna of his pack." I watch as he screams and falls to the ground holding his chest wear his hart should be so before I leave and go back to class I grab his arm and smile at him before I flip him over and slam his back into the hallway floor and knock the air out of him and he passes out.
I should be getting my wolf today at midnight.
My dad is a werewolf and angel and the girls in his family get their wolves at midnight of days they meet their mates.

My mate is a alpha, but he rejected meWhere stories live. Discover now