Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

*Alyzza's pov*

I got dressed into something cute and comfortable. I don't know where we are going and Niall knows I'm not a big fun of surprises. I lightly did my makeup and walked down the stairs. "Woah! Alyzza you look beautiful as ever." Niall said making me blush. I laughed lowly. "Ready?" He asked me. "I'm ready!" I said a little to perky. Niall walked me to the car and opened and closed my door like a gentlemen. As soon as he got in the car he fastened his seatbelt and started heading to our destination. "Where we going, Ni?" I asked. "Somewhere. Here put this on." He said handing me a blindfold. I looked at him puzzled but I put it on anyways.

*Haley's pov*

"Seriously Jai move! You're drunk!" I said trying to get past him once again. Before you get ahead of yourselves he was never my boyfriend. He used to be my best friend before I went to med school. "Jai please! I'm going to be late." I said again pleading! "Haley I need to tell to tell you something." Jai said sternly. "What is it Jai. This better be important." I said growling. "Well the thing is, I've liked you Haley since we became friends in grade 2. And when you left to go to med school it killed me. So I started hooking up with random girls because I missed you." He said lowly. "Okay?" I said curiously "and the thing is, I got one of those girls' pregnant." He said slowly and lowly. "Y-you what?!" I yelled. "Shhhh please you can't tell anyone Haley. Please!" Jai said pleadingly. "Jai! You are stupid as hell you know that?! Dammit Jai! Jai haven't you ever heard of a condom?! Have you ever you used one? How many girls did you fuck Jai!! My goodness!" I said loudly but not yelling. "Too many to count but I used condoms on all the other girls except this one girl." He said shyly. "Jai.... I'm sorry." I said walking over to give him a hug. "Look you are drunk. Make yourself at home. You know where everything is. Everyone is about to leave. So you can lay down and sleep in my bed okay? Think things through. And we will talk later mister!" I said giving him a kiss on the check. I walked down stairs to tell my dad that Jai fell asleep in my room. He didn't seem to care so I just went to work... Yay!

*Liam's pov*

Liam: Um it's Liam. Remember we kissed while playing truth or dare and at the clubs?

Ally: Ohh.. Hey Liam!

Liam: Hey! Anyways I was wondering if you'd like to hangout sometime

Ally: Sure! Anytime

Liam: How about tonight? I can take you to a nice dinner then the movies.

Ally: perfect!

Liam: I'll pick you up at 7?

Ally: Okay! See ya then

Liam: You too! Bye

Ally: Bye

*end of phone convo*

Oh my gosh! I have a date with Ally tonight! What do I wear? What movie are we going to see? Where are we going to eat? I need help! Who do I call? Someone who is romantic! Someone smart! Awh bloody hell. I got it!

*Zayn's pov*

"Hey mum! How are you liking the house?" I asked my mum. "I love it Zayn. Thank you so much." My mum said cheerfully. I talked to my mum a good while about random things. "Hey mum I most really go. I will call you later. I love you mum." I said. "I love you too Zayn." She said hanging up the phone. I turned on the news to see what drama was on now.

"Zayn Malik a drug head? Later on that story at 7 tonight." Said the news reporter CL Tomlinson. "Oh c'mon!" I said yelling at the TV. Maybe I shouldn't of turned the TV on.

*Patricia pov*

"He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me not." I wrote over and over in my diary. I really liked Louis. He was sweet, cool, calm and collected. You can't find that in most guys now a days. I got to get him to talk to him. Somehow. Someway.

*Niall's pov*

We had finally arrived at our destination. Luckily it was pretty quite which was never normal for this place. I opened the door to The passenger said and helped her out. I took of her blindfold. "Oh my gosh! Are you serious?!" She said happily.

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