Part 8

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"She what???", Liam yelled through the phone. Harry sighed. "She just left. She got in a taxi and off she went."

"What did you do?", Louis asked. "What makes you think I did anything?". Harry gave back angrily.

"Well, she was alone with you, wasn't she? So why would she have run off, if you didn't do anything?!, Louis asked. "I don't know. She just didn't remember. I told her about how we happened and she didn't remember and that upset her, I guess.

"Ok, this is bad.", Niall stated the obvious, "She doesn't know the city, she doesn't remember anyone she's met here, so where could she have gone?" Harry ran a hand over his face. "I have no clue."

"Yes you do, Harry, you know her better than anyone and she is still the same girl, so where would she go if she was upset?", Liam insisted. "I'm, the water, I think, it calms her. So the Thames, I guess?"

"Well, that really narrows it down.", Louis stated sarcastically. "What the HELL is your problem, Lou? Don't you think I'm worried enough without your stupid sarcastic comments? Don't you think I blame myself enough already?" "I'm not sure you do." "Whatever!"

"Boys please, this isn't helping anyone. So, what do we do?, Liam interrupted. "Ask the fans. They can find pretty much anyone or anything, so let them help us.", Niall suggested.

They all stayed silent for a moment, then Harry sighed: "Alright, let's sweet. Let me know if you hear anything." He hung up the phone, setting it on the table, a frown between his eyebrows.

He looked at it for a moment, concern flooding his brain and his heart to the point that he got dizzy, his breath becoming ragged. He was on the brick of a full blown panic attack, when his phone buzzed. A text from Liam. 'Fans found her.. of course. London Eye. Hurry!" and he was off.

Twenty minutes later he was standing on 'The Queen's Walk' at the base of the London Eye, looking around before checking his phone, to see if Liam had texted.

"Harry! Over here!", someone called. He looked up to find a girl heading in his direction. "Y/N is over there." Harry sighed in relief. "Is she ok?" The fans smiled at him. "I think so, we kept our distance, so she wouldn't get scared." Harry smiled and hugged her, before walking over to where you were standing by the railing.

"Y/N?", he asked carefully. "Why did I know you'd find me?", you chuckled, still looking out at the river. Harry smiled, stepping closer. "Well, I've had a bit of help." He gestured at the group of fans standing a few feet away.

You glanced over your shoulder, then laughed. "Not really fair now, is it?" "So was you just taking off, so I guess we're even." You shifted from one foot to the other, before turning to him, leaning sideways against the railing.

"I'm sorry about that, it's just..", you looked at the ground, bitting your lip, before meeting his eyes again, "I can't do this anymore, Harry." Harry frowned. "What do you mean?"

"This, us! It's too hard on me and not fair to you. you can't wait around for me to remember and I can't have you breathing down my neck. I think we should go our separate ways.. at least for a while. You couldn't stand the look of disappointment and hurt in his eyes, so you turned away. You both stayed quiet for a moment.

"No.", Harry said calmly. You spun to face him, staring in surprise. "Excuse me?" He crossed his arms over his chest. "No. I'm not letting you go. If you don't remember, fine, I can live with that. But not a chance in hell am I gonna live without you!" He uncrossed his arms, grabbed your face and kissed you.

You only hesitated for a moment, before wrapping your arms around his neck. It was the first real kiss you two had shared since the accident. You took it all in, his taste, his smell, his warmth, trying ro memorize it. How could you have forgotten this? You played with the soft, short hair in the back of his neck, that had escaped his bun. When you finally broke apart, you were both out of breath, but there was a huge grin on your face.

"I think, you haven't kissed me like that since the last time we were here." you stated. Harry's eyes went wide. "The last time we were here?" That was-" "Our third date. The first time you kissed me." You grinned. "Holy shit!", Harry muttered staring. You giggled, stroking his neck.

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