Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

"Fimbles, Fimbles, Fimbles, we're the Fimbles!"

The theme tune blares out of the TV, and I look down at my young niece who had fallen asleep curled up against the curly haired boy who happens to be immersed in the show. I gently pick Anna up and take her to my room, and lay her down on my bed. When I return to the living room, I see that my curly haired best friend was still watching the Fimbles.

"Enjoying the Fimbles are you? I nudge him teasingly as I take my place on the sofa next to him.

"Well, Anna enjoys it so I thought I'd watch it," he justifies, "where is Anna?"

"She's sleeping in my room."

"Since when? How did I not notice?"

I laugh "Well Hazza, you were a bit caught up in the exciting TV on our screen at the moment.." He sticks out his tongue out at me, which I return.

"So," I ask, "what are the other boys upto today?"

"Lou is with El, and Zayn and Liam are out shopping, and Niall- well I don't know. He's probably on a date with Tash." My heart breaks a bit at this, when I know it shouldn't- after all, I need to get over this crush. Plus, he would never be mine.

"That's good," I say weakly.

"Beth, you need to get over him. If you're not going to try and get him, move the fuck on. It's only hurting you and Niall if you stay the way you're acting." I look at him in surprise, completely not expecting the words he had just uttered.

"It's not like I haven't tried Haz," I sigh defeatedly, "but it's not easy- not at all. Do you know the feeling of liking someone who you shouldn't like because they'll never be yours? And I'd never be able to fight for Niall because he's madly in love with Tash. I'm nothing compared to her anyway- she's like the epitome of perfect." I look at my hands in despair at the truth, but I feel a finger gently lifting my head up so my eyes meet emerald green ones.

"Look Bethany, don't compare yourself to Tash, never, because you are much, much better than her in every aspect possible. If you think she's the epitome of perfect, what does that make you?" He softly chuckles, and I blush at his words. "If Niall can't see that beautiful, then he's not worth the time. And I know it's hard- there'a this girl, and I really like her. but she likes someone else... a lot. I guess I'm being a hypocrite by telling you to move on when I can't myself."

I look at him with slight confusion- who was this girl?

"That girl must be stupid to be liking that guy over you," I say in hope of consoling him to some extent, but he just looks down.

In a voice barely audible, Harry says something but I don't quite catch it. I replay it in my head a few times before realising what he said.

"It's you."

"I... er..." I don't know how to respond. His words render me speechless. Soon enough, a blanket of uncomfortable silence envelops us.

"It's fine", he says eventually, "I know you don't feel the same way. But I, er, I need to do one more thing, just as a sort of closure, so I can move."

Just as I'm about to ask what, I feel his lips upon mine. I'm so taken by surprise that I just find myself stoic, but then I realise what's going on and kiss back gently.


Harry and I break apart to find a certain blonde standing there, staring right at us with fire in his eyes.

" hey Niall," Harry stutters awkwardly, "er.. I'm going to go." And with that he just leaves, leaving an even more tense atmosphere behind.

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