Scene 12/Setting: Pitch's Lair

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Pitch: *finally gets out of the ice Jack froze him in* God I am going to kill those children.

Hans: *still trying to get out of the ice* It's your wife you should kill. It's her fault they turned out like this.

Pitch: You are right.

Hans: I usually am. Including when it comes to your wife. She tended to open up to me.

Pitch: About what?

Hans: The children.

Pitch: Afraid to tell me things she was. Wasn't she?

Hans: Yes sir.

Gothell: Pitch honey.

Pitch: Yes Gothell?

Gothell: We have word on the guardians.

Pitch: What would that be?

Gothell: The daughter of evil has become really sick.

Pitch: Really now?

Gothell: Yes.

Pitch: Now things have turned in our favor.

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