I Held Death's Hand This Evening

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*Blade's POV*

'They're probably here to see a fan,' I thought to myself while The Amity Affliction's "Death's Hand" blared through my headphones. I quickly gathered my long wavy blue hair into a ponytail and directed my attention back to my drawing.

'But why here? Why now? I didn't know any girls here who listen to them...then again, I don't really know anyone here in general,' I was so engulfed in my thoughts that when someone tapped my shoulder, I flinched out of habit and dropped my pencil. Taking out my headphones, I looked up and saw that it was Wendy. Being the only one of the security guards who was more laid back, fun, and who knew my name, she had my trust.

"Hey Blade, these dudes just came from the orphanage, they want to meet you," she said smiling, and gestured behind her.

When I saw who was behind her, I almost dropped my IPod and the drawing pad I was holding...again. My eyes felt like they popped out of my head though I tried as hard as I could to look natural and cool as a cucumber. BUT OH SWEET MOTHER OF PEARL! JINXX AND CC AND ASHLEY OF BLACK VEIL BRIDES WERE STANDING RIGHT THERE!

I quickly got up, putting my IPod and drawing pad down while Wendy said, "Well I'll be back soon, it looks like there's a fight starting – again," looking off to the right with a look of pure annoyance on her face, and then proceeded to run off in that direction.

"HI! I'm CC! Nice to meet you!" CC said and I stuck out my hand, still speechless. He ignored my hand, and instead wrapped me into a tight hug. Damn, his hugs really are good, I felt so cozy and warm, like drinking hot chocolate on a cold winter day. He let go while the warmness lingered. "How are you today?"

"Oh the usual, Edvard Munch, Despair, 1829. Oil on canvas," I told him, captivated by his chocolate brown eyes which seemed to radiate warmness.

Suddenly, my privacy was invaded by someone who snaked their arms around my waist and pulled me close, proceeding to breathe right into my ear, "Nice to meet you, I'm Ashley." Turning around I was left looking into two brown orbs which were black flecked and resembled a cup of cocoa. "H-hii," I stammered, hugging him back and then taking a quick step back.

"Hi sweetie, I'm Jinxx," Jinxx said and before I could stick out my hand for him to shake, he pulled me into a tight hug just like the other guys did. "I give you the right to punch Ashley, he's a man-whore," he whispered into my ear. "Thanks," I whispered back.

When he let go he looked around the yard and said, "So you really have to live here?"

"Yeah," I said and looked down. "They didn't have enough room for me at the orphanage," I added.

"That's stupid, they can't just send you here just because they have no space," Jinxx said.

I sat down and said, "Eh, I don't mind, the food is better here, they actually serve Trix,"

"I remember when they were actual shapes, now they are just circles," CC said looking off into the distance.

"What if we can't see the shapes anymore because Trix are for kids?" I asked.

"NOOOOOO! My childhood, my childhood is ruined!!!" CC yelled and fell dramatically to the floor.

"Sorry CC, it's best you know this now," I said.

Jinxx was looking between us, trying hard to figure out what to say in this situation while Ashley just stared at me.

I decided to make the situation a little easier for him by asking him, "So why did you guys come here to meet me?"

"Because I want to adopt you," Jinxx said. I looked at him surprised, and tried to understand the underlying message of what he said. When I found none, I asked him, "What? ME?"

"Of course only if you want to," Jinxx said, putting his hands up and looking hurt.

"OF COURSE I WANT TO!!" I yelled, not trying to hide the smile that stretched my face like a Joker's.

I looked up and saw that CC was dreamily looking off into the distance and Ashley was still looking at me with a peculiar stare.

"What's up with CC?" I asked him. Jinxx looked up at CC and said, "Ah, he gets that way sometimes. And I think Ashley wants to do you...but don't worry, he won't so much as touch you, if he VALUES HIS WILLIE," Jinxx growled under his breath, looking at Ashley with anger. Ashley put his hands up and backed away.

"Now that it's settled, I'm going to go get the papers so you can come home today," Jinxx said, looking at me and smiling.

"But they don't let you do that. After you sign the papers, you're supposed to pick me up the next day – it's the law or something," I told Jinxx.

"Don't worry, you're coming home today," Jinxx said, getting this determined look on his face. He lightly patted my head, got up, and walked off to the exit.

I turned toward CC who had my IPod in his hands and was scrolling through my music.

"Oh wow your music taste is impeccable," he said, looking up at me and smiling.

"Thank you," I said.

"Who're your favorite bands?" he asked.

"The Amity Affliction, Bring Me The Horizon, Motionless in White, Rammstein, Green Day, My Chemical Romance and you guys of course," I said.

We spent the next 2 hours talking and sharing a sandwich CC so conveniently brought with him, while awaiting Jinxx. Apparently, Andy and Jake are the last ones to move into Jinxx's house for the last 2 weeks before they go off to Warped Tour, but Jake's flight got delayed while Andy bought the wrong ticket and as of now is stuck in Japan.

"You know, after Jinxx had to split with Sammie, it's been really hard for him to be happy. So he decided to adopt to uh, I guess kind of see that there are people out there who care about him and rely on him. And you're more like a kitten then a goldfish, we don't need to do much to keep you alive because you're independent and can take care of yourself, but at the same time you still need someone there, taking care of you," CC suddenly said, turning serious. 

"I really didn't like the cat and goldfish comparison, but other than that, I think Jinxx will be fine," I said, feeling sad by the news.

"I'm sure he will be, he has to be...but sometimes, you need to know that there will be someone to come home to," CC said, laying back on the grass and looking up at the cloudless blue sky.

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