eight: here goes nothing

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eight: here goes nothing

⠀⠀⠀⠀Rosaline looks at me as if I'm crazy when I tell her not to tell Conner or my dad. For one, I still haven't actually seen my dad in the two weeks that I've been here. And, two, I don't need to worry them.

"Why?" Her eyes widen.

"Because it might not actually be him." I send her a reassuring smile.

"You should've heard him, Ma-"

"No, Rosie." I stop her. "If things get worse, I'll tell. But it's nothing to worry about, okay?" I start to question whether or not I should've told her in the first place.

"Fine," she replies giving up. "But if I receive another call, I will tell. You can't sop me," the sternness in her voice tells me she's not going to negotiate this.

"Okay," I nod my head before retreating to my room.

As I enter my room, I find Connor sitting on my bed. His face laced with concern. "Where were you?"

"I was out," I shrug putting my bag on my dresser.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He questions.

"Why would I? You're not my babysitter," I reply nonchalantly. It's true, though.

"I, right. Never mind," he stops asking and thankfully doesn't think to ask if it has to do with Jackson.

"Right," I pause watching him as he stares at me. "Is that all you needed?"

"No. What are you not going to tell anybody about unless it gets worse?" His face hardens. Oh, crap. He overheard. Play it off, Marley.

"Nothing," I rack my mind for an excuse. Think, Marley! "It's just a rash I have."

His face twists in disgust. "Ew," he shivers in disgust. By the looks of it, he buys my lie. Man, Marley, you've done a lot of that while you've been living here.

"Yeah, it's disgusting. Trust me, you don't want to see it," I reply before pulling out shorts and a tee shirt from my drawers. I slide into my bathroom to change into my comfortable clothes.

I quickly wash my face after changing removing any trace of makeup. Some days I even question why I wear makeup. One, I don't wear much to begin with. Two, I take it off right when I get home. And, three, it takes up time I could be doing something else.

When I return to my room, Conner has left. I probably scared him off with the whole rash thing. I smile to myself at the thought of Conner running around like a little girl screaming in disgust. A laugh escapes my lips, as well.

I take a seat on my bed picking up the frame from my bedside. There are two faces in the frame, one looking at the camera and the other staring at the other one. My mom was smiling her beautiful smile at the camera while I smiled at her in admiration. That was only two months before...

I shut my eyes trying to rid my mind of the memory of what happened next. Every time I try to remove the memory, it always finds its way back to me. Unfortunately.

Knock. Knock.

I open my eyes at the sound of someone knocking on my door. I return the frame to its original place before answering the door. Behind the door I find Marcus standing with his hands behind his back.

"Good afternoon, Marcus," I greet the man with a smile.

"Good afternoon, Marley. I've come to inform you that Mr. Parker will be joining you and Conner for dinner. He'd like it if you both dress up tonight."

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