ten: a tuesday in may

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ten: a tuesday in may

⠀⠀⠀⠀My mind races with everything that has happened in the past three days. I feel as if life took me and dropped me off on a deserted island and told me good luck.

"Mar," Ryland taps my shoulder from behind. I turn slightly in my chair to face her. Mr. Richards gave up teaching today as absolutely nobody was paying attention. "What happened back there? Who is that?"

I sigh knowing I'm going to have to tell her everything. It all started on a Tuesday in May...

"Hey, Lan," I intertwine Landon and I's hand as we walk to the cafeteria.

"Hey, gorgeous," he smiles down at me. My heart erupts with butterflies at that oh-so-beautiful smile of his. We had been dating for four months now. Four wonderful months with this wonderful boy.

"Are you excited for Friday?" I look up the blonde next to me. I love his brown eyes and his blonde hair. It suits him.

"What's on Friday?" His eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"Your birthday, silly," I giggle at the forgetful boy. He doesn't know, but I'm going to surprise him. His mom agreed to get him out of the house while I set up something fun.

"Oh, right," he cracks a smile. Landon lets go of my hand to pull his phone out of his pocket. He quickly reads a text and turns to me. "I have to go do something, but I'll be back before lunch ends," he kisses my forehand before running off to who knows where.

"Wait," Ryland cuts into my story. "He went sneaking off somewhere? Did you not suspect anything?"

"Not then," I sigh. "It wasn't until two weeks later. He kept disappearing at lunch and suddenly he couldn't hang out with me because he had 'homework' or other 'things' he had to do." I use my index and middle finger to air quote homework and things.

"Hmm," she replies ushering me to continue.

"It had been two weeks since his birthday, and since I rarely got to see him, I went to surprise him at his house. Let me just add this was a week before he had to move to California."

I walk down the street in the warm summer air. It is only the first day of summer vacation, thankfully. Man, I can't wait till I can drive myself although I do love walking in this beautiful weather.

As I approach the familiar tan painted house, I notice an extra car in the driveway. One that didn't belong. One that belonged to a girl a grade above us, Mandy, I believe her name is.

When I go to knock on the door, the door swings open to reveal none other than Mandy. A look of horror spreads across her face before she runs to her car as if to get away from me as fast as she can.

Tears prick my eyes at the realization: Landon has been cheating on me. I stomp into the house in search of the boy who had taken a hammer named Mandy and smashed my heart to pieces.

"Landon Michael Anderson," my voice comes out shaky from anger and hurt. I stare at the blonde sitting on the couch staring at me with wide eyes. I probably look like a mad woman, but I don't care at this moment. I want to punch the boy and cry in the corner while eating ice cream all at the same time.

"Marley," he drawls standing up slowly. "I can explain," he starts but I don't allow him to finish.

"Let me give it a shot," I laugh hysterically. "You've been running off to Mandy at lunch when you told me you had to 'study'. When you've been too 'busy with homework' and 'things' to hang out with me, you've been with Mandy. Have I hit the nail on the head, Landon?" I spit his name out angrily.

By the guilty look on his face I know how right I am. I didn't want to believe it. I wanted it to be a lie. I wanted to be wrong. But I wasn't.

All anger escapes my body leaving me to feel the pain. Real raw pain. Pain I had never experienced. I collapse onto the floor sobs escaping my lips and pain racking my body.

What are you doing, Marley? You're showing his power over you by laying there and crying. You can't let him have that power.

But it hurts too much to move. It hurts too much.

I want to run and get far away from him, but I don't have the energy to run nonetheless prying myself off the floor.

"Marley," Landon squats down beside me with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry. She was a mistake. The worst mistake I have ever made. You're the one I want." The tears are flowing down his cheeks.

"Ry," I blink back the tears from my eyes. "I don't know what possessed me to do what I did. Maybe it was because I wanted to be wanted. Maybe I was blinded by him being my 'first love'." I look up at the red head who is eagerly taking in my words. "I forgave him."

"Oh, Marley," Ryland's eyes filled with sympathy. Definitely not the response I was expecting. I thought she would yell at my stupid fifteen year old self. I would have. In fact, I have.

"I forgave him just to have him break my fragile heart the next week." I don't hold back the tears now. The pain all coming back to me.

Ryland rubs my back to soothe me. I wipe my face feeling silly for crying over something that happened nearly a year ago.

"Well, Marley, I can assure you of a few things," I look at the redhead. "One, I hate him. Two, I will not allow him to hurt you anymore. And three, I might just kill him," she says with a smile. I let out a laugh wiping the last of my tears away.

"Thanks, Ry." I smile at my friend. "I can assure you that my walls are up and I'm not going to let him hurt me again, either. I know better, now," I smile at Ryland.

"You know, I would sing Fifteen by Taylor Swift as to how relevant it is to this situation, but I sound like a dying whale so I'll save our ears." She jokes lightening the mood.

The bell rings signaling class is over and it's time for lunch. Ryland and I gather our belongings and lock arms walking to our lockers and then to the cafeteria.

I look at the red head next to me thankful for my friend. A true friend. One that I can count on.

author's note

Surprise: a random update. I might post one more chapter sometime this week, but I leave for a conference on Saturday and then school starts next week. I'm gonna be a bit busy, but I'll try!

Well, this is a pretty darn short chapter. But you get a little bit of backstory about Landon.

You might hate Landon now, but it's probably not the last time you'll see him around. :o

Tell me what you're thinking so far!

Pictured: the beautiful Ryland.

Haha, I know Landon isn't the most attractive guy, but they're sophomores. Not all sophomores (I apologize if you're a sophomore) are attractive. But he's cute. Like teddy bear cute.

I would say be nice to him, but I know after this chapter you probs won't. (':

Also, if y'all ever make covers or pictures and you want me to see them, send them to


And then message me on wattpad letting me know you sent me an email. (:

With love,


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