eighteen: you were right

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eighteen: you were right

⠀⠀⠀⠀I drive both Ryland and I to her house to get her ready for her date tonight with my brother. Despite my best friend and brother going out, I'm not all that bothered by it. Surprisingly.

"So, what are y'all doing for your date," I question pulling into her driveway. She or Conner never told me what they're doing. I mean, he mentioned the pizza place, but I'm not sure if they're doing that.

"Well, we're going to that pizza place he told me about, and then probably out for ice cream or something," she smiles giddily of the thought of going on a date.

"That's cool," I send her a smile before opening my door and stepping out into the warm air. Summer, just one week away.

"Yeah, but I have no idea what to wear, though," she huffs. "Come on, we only have an hour," she grabs my wrist pulling me into the house.

When I enter through the front door, I notice how homely the house is. Pictures of the Waters family hang on the walls. We walk down a narrow hallway which leads to an open floor plan of the kitchen and living room.

Before I can survey the rest of the room, Ryland pulls me towards some stairs leading to the second floor. We walk down another narrow hallway until we reach the end door, which I'm assuming is her room.

Her walls are painted a light blue and all her furniture white. Her bed sits against one wall and her comforter a white color to contrast. She has Christmas lights embellishing her headboard.

"Okay," she opens up her drawers and a smaller closet.

"Can I see your walk-in-closet-turned-library first?" I plead. This is the one thing I wanted to see at her house.

"Fine, but quickly! I have to get ready," she stressed but points to another door.

I turn the silver doorknob to reveal a beautiful library. A bean bag sits in the middle making a perfect reading nook. I scan the books and marvel at her collection.

"I love it," I step out of the closet and back into her room.

"Thanks," she replies impatiently.

"Okay, let's get started," I reply making my way to the other closet sifting through clothes.

I pull out a simple navy blue dress that reaches the top of her knees. I step further into her room holding up the dress.

"Cute and comfortable," I suggest. She does have to sit through a soccer game, but she wants to look cute for the date. I think it's perfect.

"I like it," she adds taking the dress and laying it on her bed. "So, hair?"

I motion for her to sit on her desk chair while I grab a curling iron, bobby pins, and hair ties. I slightly curl her red hair and then twist it up into a bun at the crown of her head.

I then move on to do a natural makeup look. When I finish, I turn her chair towards the mirror and let her take in her reflection. She stands up and walks towards the mirror to get a better look.

I stand back waiting for her response.

"I love it," a smile spreads across her face. "Thanks, Mar," she hugs me before I shove her into the bathroom with the dress.

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