twenty: something

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twenty: something

⠀⠀⠀⠀Conner currently sits in the driver's seat tapping his thumb on the steering wheel to the beat of the song as we make our way to the police station. He woke me up early this morning and dragged me out of the house to go tell the police about this man.

About James Turner. That's his name.

I have never forgotten his name, and I never will.

Conner hasn't showed much emotion towards the situation, and I know he's doing it for me–staying strong. I know the murder of our mother is harder on me, but she still is, well I guess it's was now, his mom. Maybe he's showing emotion when I'm not around, but he doesn't have to do that.

Conner speeds down the highway as I stare out the window controlling my breathing. Though my breathing is slow and steady, my heart is racing a million miles an hour. Pursing my lips, I can only think about what the police will do or not do.

Conner had me print out the texts that James Turner sent me, but that will only work if they can link the phone to him. There's also the fact that the same thing happened to my mother, and if that isn't enough, I don't know what is.

The ride to the station feels like hours when in reality it was a twenty minute drive due to the traffic. When Conner pulls into the parking lot, I take a deep breath in order to calm myself down.

"It'll be fine, Mar," Conner encourages noticing my anxiety. "I'll be with you the whole time, I promise." He states pulling into a spot next to the front door.

I pull the door handle and step out of the car into the warm, May air. After next week, summer vacation will be upon us. I pull my hair behind my head and follow Conner inside.

The inside is as what one would expect a police station to look like.

Conner guides me to the front desk where a blonde woman sits with a headset around her head.

"May I help you," the lady, who's name tag reads Jennifer, questions.

"I have a scheduled meeting with Lieutenant Johnson," Conner states twirling the pen that was sitting on the grey painted counter.

Last night Conner had called the station and set up a meeting with Lieutenant Johnson to discuss my stalker. He insisted that we get a meeting at nine in the morning and it must be with the best police officer they had.

"Name, please," Jennifer types a few things in the computer in front of her and then looking at Conner.

"Conner Parker," he states now tapping the pen on the counter. Jennifer types some more on the computer as well as clicking as her eyes roam the screen.

"Here we are," she mumbles clicking once more. "Have a seat over in the waiting room and Lieutenant Johnson will be with you soon," she extends her hand towards the area full of chairs.

"Thank you," Conner places the pen down before heading towards the chairs with me following behind.

We both take a seat that rests against the wall and away from the other people. I scan my surroundings taking in the sight of the few other people in the room.

A tall woman enters the police station with anger written all over her face. Her clothes wrinkled indicating she threw them on hastily in order to get to the station. He face had no makeup on and her hair barely brushed through.

When she arrives at the front desk, she rests her elbows on the counter and her chin in her hands. "I'm here for my son, Kaiden Adams," she huffs.

I sit by watching the whole scene.

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