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Your questions, my answers.

Q: Will there be a sequel?

A: I have started to write a sequel–I have an idea and plan for one. I don't know when it'll be published to the public, though.

Q: What's book two's title?

A: The title is still in the works as I'm still deciding. Two ideas I have are "Sisters" or "Mister Popular's Half Sister". Or something like that.

Update: I can officially announce that the title is Mister Popular's Half Sister. The picture above is the cover of the story.

Update 2: MPHS is no longer being written.

Update 3: I started wiring again...I originally was going to wait to rewrite/edit MPLS, but I got inspired and need a break from MPLS. Theres no set date as to when it will be published. In order not to get anyone's hopes up, I want to finish the book before releasing it. 

Q: Where's her father?

A: Marley's father, Richard Parker, is a working man–one who is basically married to his work. He's always hidden away in his office or on business trips. It's sad that he doesn't spend time with his family, yes, but it's their reality.

Q: How did James Turner start stalking Marley's mother?

A: Well, James is one of those men that you see on crime shows when they stalk people. He took a liking to her one day and started to watch her every move.

Q: What inspired you to write this book?

A: Hm, honestly I can't remember. I started this back in June of 2015. I think the idea randomly popped in my head and I was like hey, this is a good idea.

Q: Was any of it based on real life experiences?

A: From what I can remember, no. Not personally, at least.

Q: Was there any characters based off of people in real life?

A: Honestly, there's a lot of me in Marley. I think a lot of times people always add a part of themselves to a character, if that makes sense. But as for the other characters, I didn't purposely base them off real life people.

Q: Coke or Pepsi?

A: Coke all the way.

Q: What is one place you would like to live?

A: Probably Tennessee if I were to choose somewhere in the states. I love Tennessee.

Q: Do you think Queen can be a name?

A: Yes, I'm sure it can be a name. I don't think I'd personally name any of my characters or future children Queen, though.

Q: What's your favorite Wattpad book?

A: Hm, I've read so many books on here. I don't really have a favorite, but I really liked Sweetly Yours by @NerdyBirdie.

Q: Favorite bands?

A: I like One Direction. I don't listen to many bands, mostly single artists or random songs by random artists.

Q: Are Connor and Ryland forever?

A: You'll have to wait for book two for that. (; but the odds are good.

Q: Will Marley have a love interest in the next book?

A: (;

Q: Will Jackson be in book two?

A: If he is, it won't be a big role.

Q: What other family will Marley have in book two?

A: You'll have to wait to find out.

Q: How did you find Wattpad?

A: Way back when I was a middle schooler, I think I stumbled upon the app. It's been years; I can't remember.

Q: Tips and tricks for writing?

A: Hm, use words you know. Don't go looking up extravagant words that will stump your readers, but use words that aren't dull. Does that make sense?

I often write a bit of a chapter, leave it, and come back later to add more. I struggle sometimes when it comes to writing a lot at a time. If you struggle with wanting to write, it's fine to add just a sentence or two to a chapter. At least you added some.

Always edit the chapter before you publish it. You can always catch some simple grammar mistake or maybe a plot mistake. I've caught quite a few by doing this.

Have fun with your writing. Don't write something you don't want to. It won't be fun for you, and you won't be motivated to write it.

Q: Favorite book?

A: The Christy Miller Series; Hunger Games.

As for classics, I love To Kill a Mockingbird.

Q: Favorite quote?

A: "Don't shine so others can see you. Shine so that thorough you, others can see Him." -C. S. Lewis

I love many quotes, but this is one of my favorites. I am a Christ follower and I want to be a light for Him.

Q: What names are you considering for the half sister?

A: I can tell you that her name is Danielle. Dani, for short.

Q: How has writing this book affected you personally?

A: My writing has changed. I'm a stronger writer–still gotta long ways to go, but I'm getting better. I have finally accomplished my goal! I said I was going to finish writing a book my junior year, it didn't happen, but it happened my senior year!

Q: Who is your favorite character out of all the books you have written?

A: Oh, don't do this to me. )': hahaha. 

Q: Favorite Film?

A: Oh, man. I'm a movie-lover. I watch movies all the time. I love romance movies and Disney movies. But I really love The Hunger Games series as well as The Pirates of The Caribbean series.

Q: What inspired you to write?

A: Well, I'm an artistic person. I was born with the creative characteristic, you could say. I've always loved art and I love reading. I would get these story ideas in my head and then write them in my head. I'm not the best writer, but I love creating and writing. I guess it's just in my artistic nature to write.

Have questions? Leave them below!

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