Chapter 1

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The air was extremely thick and warm. The heat and the screaming of thousands of young girls overwhelms you and you decide to step out. The concert was ending and everyone was saying their goodbyes, so you wouldn't miss anything. As you push through the crowd, you begin to feel anxious. A tightening sensation runs through your chest, threatening to pull the invisible strings that are looped around it even tighter. You push through the door finally. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. When your mind is somewhat cleared, you check your phone. You giggle at the amount of missed calls you have from him. Things hadn't been going exactly smoothly in your relationship lately. You are forced out of your thoughts when you hear the door click. A pair of warm hands glide across your shoulders to your waist and embrace you. The delicate fingers most definitely belong to your fragile boy, Baekhyun. He rests his head on your shoulder and whispers to you,

"Why didn't you answer...".

You enlace your fingers with his and remind him of your anxiety. He nods his head and pulls you into a soft embrace. He smells of sweat and the cologne you bought him for his birthday. You look up and smile at Baekhyun. You could tell that he missed you thoughout the 4 days you had been apart by the way he clung to your side. You begin walking back to the tour bus, Baekhyun desperately gripping your hand. When you get onto the bus, Baekhyun pulls you to his side on the couch. He asks you the strangest questions on the short ride to the hotel. You lay your head in his lap and Baekhyun begins playing with your hair. He attempts to braid it, but he just can't get the idea of it. His hands slow in your hair and you look up. His face is slightly flushed and he is staring at the hotel sign. You both get up and walk through the hotel with the rest of the members. As you reach your door, Baekhyun's hand trembles in yours. You turn the knob and looks at him.

"What's wrong with you tonight?" you ask.

You turn to enter the room and stop. You're eyes are fixated to the center of the room. Your mouth gapes open in shock and quickly turn around, to see Baekhyun has vanished, leaving only a note in his place. Did he need to use the restroom? Phone call? How did you not hear him leave? You pick up the note, hoping for an explanation. Scanning the paper, you realize they are instructions.

Tremble [Baekhyun/SeBaek/chanbaek]Where stories live. Discover now