"Okay meet me at training ground 7 tomorrow for a test oh and don't eat breakfast or you'll puke." Kakashi smirked. With that said he poofed out.
I looked at my said teammates and calms said, "Eat breakfast tomorrow." Then disappeared to avoid the villagers. Sakura and Sasuke stared at the spot were Naruto was with their jaws on the floor.
The next morning
I woke up and walked to the kitchen to eat breakfast. I waited two hours after when we were supposed to meet then went to the training grounds. I was walking their as I felt the glares of the villagers and could hear them muttering things like, monster and demon. I finally had enough and teleported to the training ground.
Sakura saw me and screamed "YOURE LATE!" I just groaned knowing Kakashi would be even later. I was right about 2 hours later. Sakura yelled at him as well as we all listened to his sorry excuse.
After that you could hear two stomachs signifying that Sasuke and Sakura had not eaten.
I sighed and put my hand on my head before muttering, "I thought I told you to eat breakfast." After Kakashi told us the rules and pushed the start button we dispersed into the woods. I made a shadow clone and sent it off before going to sleep. I was awoken later when my clone came back and tossed me a bell. I released the jutsu to see what my clone did and laughed when I saw he replaced Kakashi's bell with a rock using the replacement jutsu. Just then I heard the bell ring and I teleported to the netting area. I saw Sasuke and Sakura with looks of defeat on their faces while I just smirked. Kakashi looked at me confused before holding up the bell and rock substitution before saying, "Well I guess no one got bell."
"Not quite Sensei" I smiled.
Everyone looked at me confused. I held up a bell and their jaws dropped. Kakashi looked at the the bell as I released the substitution and a rock fell from one of the bells spots. Before I continued, "But getting a bell wasn't the point of the lesson was it Sensei? We were supposed to learn teamwork. Tell me you haven't forgotten your old friend Obito's words." Kakashi looked shocked and I continued again, "Those who break the rules are scum it's true, but those who would abandon even one of their friends is worse than scum." I smirked.
"Uhh you pass?" Kakashi said but it sounded more like a question. I smiled and teleported out of the arena as I began my walk home. I could see the villagers follow me I sped up, they sped up till I was surrounded. They looked at me and smirked, but their smirks soon dropped when they saw I had smirk of my own they were confused. What do ya say Kurama shall we go home? I asked the only response I got was a smirk. I took that as a yes. I left my mindscape and looked at the villagers before waving goodbye and teleporting home. Leaving them with their jaws on the floor.
The next morning
I woke up put on my annoying orange jumpsuit and began my walk to training ground 7 to meet up with the team for our missions. I felt glares and heard gasps and people mutter monster and demon on my way there trying to ignore them but one made me stop dead in my tracks "Why is he a ninja he shouldn't be one we should kill him." I turned around and tried to spot the person who said it, giving up I sighed and just teleported to the training ground.
"Okay team let's head to the Hokages office for a mission." Kakashi said after appearing an hour after Naruto. Finally a mission. Naruto thought as him and his team began their walk towards the Hokage tower. After receiving their D-Ranked mission team 7 set off.
A/N few another chapter I thought is never finish I DONT OWN NARUTO. But that can't stop me from wishing I did or pretending that I do. (Que. the evil laughter)

Runaway Shinobi
FanfictionNaruto has been meeting up with Sasori of the Akatsuki he has been persuaded to leave the village hidden in the leaves. He becomes a well known SS-rank rouge ninja known as Deaths Shadow. No one suspects it to be Naruto Uzumaki because after getting...