Chapter 10 The Mysterious Dojutsu

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It was time for the preliminary for the final round I subconsciously rubbed my thumb over the curse mark Orochimaru gave me all those years ago. When he tried to take me from the village. I had a genjutsu up so that if the curse mark acted up no one would see it. I got tired of using the genjutsu and just pulled up my shirts mask releasing it. It was my match I was against Kiba. We both went down and waited once the proctor said start we started circling eachother. I won't use my kekei genkai I'll save it for the finals. I thought. (Naruto's keke genkai- he can copy every move ninjutsu genjutsu and taijutsu and have it a permanent part of his arsenal like the sharingan but he can also copy other kekei genkai moves like rotation or expansion jutsu even eight trigrams 64 palms any kekei genkai or special clan only move its like the ultimate keke genkai anyways back to the story)
Kiba and Akamaru came charging at me, "Man, Beast clone FANG OVER FANG!" I heard Kiba shout I stayed still and looked at him I took my hand and when he got close I struck with just two fingers. His jutsu dispelled and he froze.
"You my friend are temporarily paralyzed. I struck a certain nerve so you won't be able to move for hours." I explained while walking away.
"Um winner Naruto Uzumaki." The proctor shouted. I just shunshined next to my team and zoned out for the rest of the matches.
"Okay would those who won their battles please come down." The Procter shouted. We all went down and they explained how the final round would go. (Pairings are the same)
"You are all dismissed you have 1 month before the finals, DISMISSED!" The proctor shouted I nodded and we walked away. So I'm fighting Neji huh? Well he should give me some useful jutsu's for my arsenal.
'Pain. The finals for the Chunin exams are next month. I'm getting some useful jutsu's and have tons of information on the Hokage and her best jonins I even managed to get some info on ANBU.' I told pain through our mind link.
'Tobi is a goodboy!' I heard Tobi tell through the mind link I groaned, forgetting we could al use it and hear what the other was saying... Proved to be a fatal mistake...................Again.
'Good job Naruto I will send Deidera to revive you after the Chunin exams link me when they are over understood Deidera?.' Pain said.
'Hai." Both me and Deidera responded simultaneously through the link. I started walking away and towards the gates of the village when I heard Tsunade calling me. "Naruto! We're are you going?" She asked. I turned around and smiled at her before responding, "To train for the finals of course." She looked at me confused but before she could say anything I started again. "Yes out of the village give me a little break from ya' know." She nodded understanding a change in scenery is good. I smiled and continued to walkout.
3 weeks later
We had one week left till the final exams for the Chunin exams. I had been training my butt of with big brother Sasori, and was on my way back to Konoha hoping to get some rest till the finals.
At Konohagakure
I was walking down the streets when I heard someone yell my name. I stopped and turned around to see  Lee and Neji I waved and they ran up to me. "Hey Naruro were have you been we haven't seen you since the preliminary rounds?" Lee asked I shrugged but responded anyways,
"Just training I needed a change of scenery ya' know?" They nodded and I continued home for the night.
The day of the finals
Today's the day. Can you believe it after today I get to return home! I thought Kurama just laughed, 'Boy you're eager to get home aren't ya?' I just nodded. "Okay first round
Naruto Uzumaki VS Neji Hyuga would those two stay down here everyone else go up to the waiting area were you can watch." The proctor said everyone nodded and went to there designated area. "BEGIN!" The anouncer shouted. Finally get to use my kekei genkai. (If you don't know what it is I explained it in the last chapter anyways what I didn't say was its a dojutsu there's a picture of it the except on the outside area it's blue not black but everything on the inside is still black) I closed my eyes and activated my dojutsu. You activate it the same way as the sharingan so it wasn't hard. (It doesn't have a name if you have one just comment) When I opened my eyes everyone gasped including the Hokage. No one knew of my dojutsu except for those in the Akatsuki I haven't used it on Akatsuki missions yet still training with it. I looked at Neji and got ready as he activated his byakugan. I crossed my fingers and shouted out my trademark jutsu, "SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" My clones attacked him and he shouted out,
"ROTATION!" I smirked. Thanks for the new jutsu buddy come on now use your clans famous jutsu.
He got into a stance that made me smirk. Finally. "You are within range eight trigrams sixty four palms." He said and launched forwards I made used the replacement jutsu so a shadow clone was in my place while I hid close bye watching. "Two palms, Four palms, Eight palms, Sixteen palms, Thirty-two palms, Sixty-four palms!" Neji finished. My shadow clone was chakra enhanced so it didn't poof instead it fell to the floor and coughed up blood. Neji smirked, by it immediately fell when I released my shadow clone I appeared behind him and he jumped back just before I could strike him. He turned around and threw several kunais at me. I smirked and did something unexpected I used rotation. They all bounced off and when I stopped everyone looked at me shocked. But what shocked them even more was when I got into a familiar stance and said my jutsu.
"Uzumaki style eight trigrams, 64 bullet barrage!" I launched forward and began attacking. 2 bullets, 4 bullets, 8 bullets, 16 bullets, 32 bullets, 64 bullets!" When I was done Neji flew back slammed into the wall and slid down coughing up blood. (This is different so Sasuke and Kakashi are there Neji already changed and Orochimaru isn't there)
"Winner Naruto Uzumaki!" The proctor called out. I smirked and shunshined next to my team Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi all looked at me with their eyes as big as dinner plates and their jaws on the floor.
"H-how did you do that?" Sakura asked me. I just shrugged and turned around to watch the rest of the matches.
A/N sorry for the long wait well anyways here's another chapter hope you liked it!

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