Chapter 4 Who Are You?

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I gulped. This is bad Kurama this is really bad. 'Kit just calm down you will be fine I'm sure someone will notice him." Kurama soothed the child. (Naruto is only 12.)  "That's it child now come with me." The man said. I started walking with him when I saw Kakashi. MY SAVIOUR! I bit the mans hand and screamed for help. Kakashi turned around and his eyes widened when he saw me. He pulled out a kunai ready to attack. The mysterious man mocked me out as they began their fight.
                  Kakashi's P.O.V
I was on my way home from the Hokage's office when I heard someone scream for help so I turned around surprised to see, Naruto? There was a man. Behind him the man knocked Naruto out and threw him over his shoulder before getting into a fighting position. I whistled really loud and smirked when someone whistled back. The guy looked confused not knowing I had just signaled ANBU to come. The ANBU appeared and we surrounded the guy. He placed Naruto down and his hand began to glow. We stood there confused as to what he was doing. His hand was now glowing light blur as he brought it back and slammed it on the upper left side of Naruto's chest. Right above his heart then he left.
As soon as his hand made contact with Naruto, Naruto began to scream in pain. And still was when the guy left clutching his chest. I looked at the ANBU. "I got him you can leave." They looked at me and nodded. Soon enough Naruto passed out from the pain, and I scooped him up an headed to the hospital.
                      The next day
                     Sakura's P.O.V
I had just arrived at training ground 7 were we always meet to see Sasuke and Kakashi were already there. I sighed, "Where is Naruto-Baka." After those words left my mouth a Kakashi looked down and I saw a single year roll down his cheek before he managed to say. "The hospital." I looked surprised but Sasuke looked like he already knew.
"Is it because those villagers were throwing rocks at him Sensei?" I gasped when Sasuke said that Kakashi looked up then back down while shaking his head. "No someone tried to kidnap him and..." He started but couldn't finish. I walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder before softly saying.
"Let's go visit him." Kakashi nodded and we left.
                  At the hospital
                  Naruto's P.O.V
"Hey when do you think he'll wake up?"
I heard someone ask it sounded like Sakura.
"I don't know we just have to wait." Another voice replied I think that one was Sasuke. Wait Sasuke Sakura why are they in my house. Then the memories of last night hit me. Dang it am I in the hospital? I slowly opened my eyes then shut them immediately do to the bright light. I opened them again and my eyes adjusted. I groaned as I tried to sit up only to be pushed back down again.
"Naruto! You shouldn't move you have to recover." Sakura said, wait did she sound worried. The world is ending. I looked around to see who was in the room. Sasuke, Sakura, and Sensei.
"What time is it?" I groggily asked hoping I wasn't late.
"Hmm oh it's I'm 8:45 pm." I heard Kakashi reply. Okay wait 8:45 pm.
"I'M LATE!" I screamed as I got up noticing I was still in my orange jumpsuit. Good now I don't have to change. I ran for the door when all three stepped infront of me each with a questioning look in their eye.
"Late for what, Naruto?" Kakashi asked.
"Dang it umm well you see... BYE!" I screamed before proofing out of the room. Few that was close I was now in the forest. "Brother Sasori! You made it." I smiled.
"Yes Naruto when would you like to leave this pitiful village and join us the Akatsuki?" Sasori asked.
"Hmm how about..."
A/N hey what do you think pretty good chapter if I do say so myself I DONT OWN NARUTO!

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