Chapter 58: Let Me Be Your Wings

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Chapter 58: Let Me Be Your Wings

If James Bond went jedi knight, he might rival Agent Cobra Bubbles, but the odds would probably trend towards Cobra. Agent Bubbles' prowess in physical and psychological combat surpassed any foe – 

Even foes that could not be seen –

Jack Frost, for example.

In a word: Agent Cobra Bubbles was not stupid. Clearly Lady Elsa was cavorting with... someone. Who that someone was and why he could not be seen was irrelevant. Agent Bubbles treated all foes without discrimination. 

Lady Elsa's secret cavorter had to go bye-bye.

"Until you talk," Agent Bubbles steered Elsa into a confined bed chamber. "Then you're here until the wedding. But we can make this simple: introduce me to your phantom buddy, and you go free."

Elsa thrashed from Agent Bubbles. Ice sparkled over the windowless walls – the bed chamber was not unpleasant, but it was enclosed. Elsa was trapped.

"I had permission from the king to leave the castle!" Elsa sliced King Arthur's note from her pocket. Furiously, she pointed to his signature. "He said I could go anywhere I please, without – "

"Without His Majesty?" Agent Bubbles scanned the room, searching for frost – the telltale sign Elsa's the mysterious intruder. "Without His Majesty and with your phantom friend? King Arthur approved of that, did he?"

Elsa bristled. "I don't know who you're talking about. What phantom – "

"Lie." Agent Bubbles dissected Elsa's behavior in seconds. "Your head jerked before responding, your respiratory rate increased, your accessory inspiratory muscles are firing, and you're not blinking. Your Grace, I'm a pro – and you are a liar. Among...other things."

"Other things?" Ice pierced Elsa's fingertips. "Such as?"

Agent Bubbles allowed himself to be amused.

"Ask your phantom friend." he said, closing the door. "And then tell it to your future husband."

The lock clicked. A pause. Then ice shattered the inside panel. A draft, colder than sin, eeked under the threshold and across the castle hall as Elsa cried.

Agent Bubbles listened. If he expressed any emotion, it was concealed behind his black frames. Rule number one of the secret services: Do not get emotionally involved. Emotions create clutter; emotions bewilder the mind; emotions endanger.

Emotions are what get people killed. Prime example: a snow queen with uncontrollable powers. Or a shadow worker losing her mind.

Monotonously, Agent Bubbles spoke into the door.

"Sunrise is at 7:10 am. You've got a rendezvous with Edna Mode in the morning – wedding dress fitting. I'll drop you there, then report to His Majesty. He'll have to know about tonight."

Agent Bubbles waited for a response. None came, but a thin sheet of frost tiptoed around the corner and across the floor. Sliding a hand under his breast pocket, Agent Bubbles continued.

"King Arthur is getting all the details. Every single one. Including a full account of the phantom your hiding. But... if I were to take a wild guess...."

Agent Bubbles withdrew an object from his pocket. As he finished, the object remained concealed his enormous hands. "Then I'd guess King Arthur would forgive you. No questions ask. He might even still look forward to your wedding."

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