Movies on a Late Night

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Third Person POV

"So what do you want to watch Michelle?" Said Scott to the boy laying beside him. "Anything is fine with me Stephanie!" Mitch said playfully "Maybe the new SpongeBob movie? It's already on Netflix!" Replied the blonde. "You know me so well."

As the night went on, jokes were told, snacks were eaten, and there were many tickle attacks. Mitch had began to fall asleep but Scott didn't quite want the night to be over just yet. "God you're so cute when you're sleeping." He thought to himself. He quietly got up off of the sofa and picked Mitch up bridal style and carried him into their bedroom. Mitch giggled as he flopped onto his bed. "Thanks for carrying me Scottland." A tired Mitch said. "You're welcome queen. Goodnight." Scott said as he kissed the top of Mitch's head. And with that, the two were very quickly asleep.

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