The Visit

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//Hey guys!!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while!! School has been super crazy but I will really try writing more often!! Once again I'd like to thank y'all from the very bottom of my heart for all your support!! I've gotten over 400 reads! What?!?! Oh my gosh I never thought I would get more than 10! XD But thank you guys so much!! Now for the story!//

Mitch's POV

I wake up to hear the sound of oil searing in a pan and Scott humming Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran. He probably doesn't even know why that song is so special to me. While we were on the tour bus Esther put that song on and we danced like a married couple. He held me closer than ever. It's probably just some melody to him.

I put my thoughts aside and walk out of my bedroom to see Scott cooking breakfast in the kitchen. "Morning Scotty!" I say cheerfully. "Oh hey queen! I didn't even hear you coming down the stairs!" I stand next to him and watch what he's doing.


After Scott finished making breakfast, we sat down at the table and starting joking around like we usually do every morning. Little did I know that everything would change with one small sentence. "Oh so um I hate to tell you this but Alex is kinda coming over later." Scott said rather abruptly. "What?! Why is he coming over?! I thought you never wanted to see him again." I say angrily. "I don't trust me. He just needs to pick up some stuff he's left here. Don't worry Mitchie, he won't do anything to you as long as I'm here."
I've never been one to like Alex. He would always say rude things to me about my appearance and it started to really bother me after a while. Scott didn't like the way Alex treated him either. After they broke up, he became even more of a monster then he was when they were together.


I look at my phone to check the time. 2:14. He should be here any second. Scott seemed to sense that I was upset. He sat next to me on the couch and put his arms around me. "Mitchie I know you're a little scared. I am too to be quite honest. But we can't let him see that we're intimidated by him because that's what he wants. I'll protect you okay? I promise." Scott said as he kissed the top of my head. Just as he took his lips off my forehead, there was a violent knock at the door.


Scott got up off the couch and walked towards the front door cautiously. I follow behind him. He looks through the peephole and opens the door. "Take all your stuff and leave. It's on the table." Scott said sternly with his arms crossed in front of his chest. "Sure. Why would I want to stay any longer with you faggots?" He snaps as he pushes Scott out of the way to get is box of belongings. "I see you've put on some weight there Grassi." He says. I know it shouldn't bother me but it does. "Shut the hell up Alex and get out!" Scott shouted and pointed towards the door. "Looks like Mitch needs someone to stand up for him because he can't do it himself?" He shot back. "No! Scott loves me, so he protects me. Of course you wouldn't know anything about love you bastard. Now if you'll excuse me, you need to get out of our house. Now." I say. I'm glad I stood up for myself to be honest. Although Alex wasn't too happy. He comes up to me and grabs the collar of my shirt. "Listen you little bitch, Scott will never love you Mitch! EVE-" Alex's sentence was cut short when Scott grabbed his shoulder and gave him a hard punch in the face. Alex fell to the ground holding his nose. Scotts hand still in a tight fist starts to loosen. He looks at me, rushes towards me and starts crying. "Mitchie he's lying I love you with all my heart and I've always been too scared to tell you Mitch I love you so much." He says between sobs and hugs me tighter than ever. Right as he collapsed into my arms, I see Alex push himself off the ground. He's pissed. He picks up his box of things and looks at Scott again for a second. "Enjoy your life together." He said almost sadly. It was the weirdest thing. He walked out of the door, slamming it behind him. Just as the front door closed, Scott picked me up, pulled my head in and kissed me. I was definitely not expecting it, but that doesn't mean I didn't kiss back.


Our little kissing session led to making out on the couch. I don't even remember moving to the couch but hey, as long as I'm with Scott, nothing really matters. He pulled away for only a second to whisper the words "I love you Mitch." And started kissing me again.

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