The Wedding

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**HI EVERYONE! IM BACK! Im really sorry for not posting a story in like forever. School has been insane lately and I just needed some time off! But I'm back now! By the way, 900+ READS?!?! GUYS I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THANK YOU THIS LITERALLY MEANS THE WORLD TO ME!!! Like I said before, I honestly didn't think I'd get past 10 so thank you for all of your support. Now for the story!

Mitch's POV

It's finally here. The day I've been waiting for my entire life. Our wedding day. We have been dating for 4 years now and every second of it has been incredible.

I walk out of my room and see a small, folded note with my name on it in Scott's handwriting on the kitchen table which is surrounded by flowers. I walk to the table and pick up the note.

Dear Mitchie,
Happy wedding day baby! I can't believe today has finally come and I can't wait to call you my beautiful wife in a few hours!! I love you more than anything Mitchie!
-Scott 💙

"He's the best." I whisper to myself as I hold the note to my chest. A knock at the door soon interrupts my thoughts. I walk towards the door and open it to see my bridesmaids all standing there. They all run inside and hug me all at once. "Hey babes!!" I say to all of them. "MITCHIE ITS YOUR BIG DAY FINALLY!" Kirstie screams in excitement. "I know! I can't believe it's actually happening!!" I say equally excited.

The girls help me put on my make up and do my hair. I put on my wedding dress and vail. I look in my full body mirror and shed a tear. "It's finally here." I whisper to myself. "Don't cry Hun, your mascara will run!" Esther said while wiping the tear away from my eye. We both giggle a bit. "Mitch you look amazing. Scott is one lucky man." She says. I hug her tightly and kiss her cheek.

After we finish getting ready, we all get inside the limo and head to the venue of the wedding. The ride was filled with music, karaoke and some alcohol. We arrived at the venue and my nerves were going crazy. I start breathing very heavily. "Mitch are you okay?" Kirstie asks. "Yeah, I'm just nervous." I say. She gets me some water and I start to calm down.

My bridesmaids and I sit together in our dressing room when Avi and Kevin walk in. "Hey guys!" I say. "Mitch! You look amazing!" Avi says. "Congrats on the big day!" Kevin says while they both walk towards me and both hug me. "You ready?" Kevin asks. "I think so! I dunno. I'm scared but excited and my stomach is flipping inside out right now but I can't wait!" Everyone laughs a bit. "Well the wedding starts in 3 minutes!" Avi says. They both hug me again and walk outside.

"It's starting!!!" Esther yells. Everyone finishes getting ready and we begin.

Once all of the wedding party is at the front, I begin to walk down the aisle. My dress is flowing behind me. My dad is linking arms with me. "Mitchell, you look stunning. I'm so proud of you. I love you." He says with a small smile. "Thank you, I love you too dad." I say and kiss his cheek.

I look up any see him. He has a huge smile spread across his face. His blue eyes meet mine and he mouths the words; "I love you." A grin fills my face and I mouth back; "I love you too."

Once I give my dad one last hug, I lock eyes with Scott. He smiles widely and a tear falls from his eye. I wipe it away with my hand and try not to cry myself.

"I, Scott Richard Hoying take you Mitchell, to be my lawfully wedded husband." He says with a smile. "I, Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi take you Scott, to be my lawfully wedded husband." He pulls me in and kisses me in front of everyone.

After the ceremony Scott and I go home for a bit before the reception. He carries me bridal style through our door. "My Mitchie is my wife!!!" He says while dropping me on the couch. He sits next to me. "I can't believe this! We're married!" I say while kissing him.

I can't be happier that I can finally be Mitch Grassi-Hoying.

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