Chapter 3

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               When I finally broke through the crowd of people I saw something I can never un see. The innards of a human being, a loving, caring, motherly human being was thrashed up against a vehicle. I felt my legs go numb and my vision become blurry, then black.

                "Katie, honey? Can you hear me? Kaite? Sweetie?" I heard someone saying. I opened my eyes but immediately shut them because the light was too strong for my eyes. "oh good you're awake. Doctor will be in soon to clear a few things up." said a woman. I heard footsteps leaving the room. Where am I? I forced my eyes open no matter how bad it stung. A hospital. But, "Hi Katie, I'm Dr. Jeff" said a red headed man walking into the room. I said hello but I was confused why I was even here. "why-" "Your mother was hit by a car and you fainted and hit a corner of a rock pretty hard but you'll be okay" I was cut off by Dr. Jeff. My sister. No one was there for her! Where is she?! "Mer!-" "Mireya, your sister, she's fine, but that's what I would like to talk to you about Katie." I was again cut off. "You see, Katie" Dr. Jeff started, "Since you are only 15 we cannot have you, adopt, shall I say, your sister. By the law you cannot support yourself and another human being under 18. But it is your choice. One of your moms great friends is willing to sign off and take you two in as one of her own or you can chose to be put in a foster home. Your choice. Right now Mireya is at her house and you'll be dropped off soon to let her know your decision." shit. I thought. What am I suppose to do. "which of my moms friends is it?" I asked. "Mrs. Warren" said Dr. Jeff. Oh great, only the mother of the son I go to school with and kinda like. I thought. Ugh I have a big decision tonight. They let me out of the hospital and I took a bus to Mrs. Warren's house. I paid the driver and walked out onto their long driveway. I took out my phone to make sure the address was right. I started walking, my head pounding from the bright lights and the smell of alcohol from the hospital. I knocked on the door and waited. When the door opened I was greeted by Angel Warren. Mrs. Warren's youngest daughter, "Hi angel, where's your mom?" I asked her. She shrugged and walked off. "I think she's upstairs" said William. Mrs. Warren's son. The one I kinda like. "By the way I'm sorry for the loss of your mom I knew she" he took a pause and looked down, " I knew she meant a lot to you" He said looking up again. I gave him a half-hearted smile and he walked off. I was confused. I knew she meant a lot  to you, he says. But he barley knows me. "Ms. Katerina." mrs. warren said while walking down the stairs. she ran up to me and started bawling, "I'm so sorry." she kept saying between sobs. I don't know what's wrong with me, maybe shock, maybe fear, maybe overwhelming, maybe I'm just lost, but i feel nothing. Once I calmed her down and said it was alright she showed me up stairs to the guest bedroom. It was a small room but it had a pretty big decent size bed. "You need anything else dear?" said Mrs. Warren. I need my mom back. "Maybe just a water and Mrs. Warren thanks for everything" I said while I walked up to her. "Anytime sweetie. You can call me Harper. Have you made your decision yet?" said Harper. "um, no ill think about it tonight" I said weakly, knowing tonight will be long. "Ok well if you need anything else I'm down the hall" Said Harper as she walked out of the room. I walked over to the window and sat at the edge of it. The moonlight shining in. The sky filled with stars. I could sit here for hours and completely loose myself. Some nights when I would think of my dad who died when I was 3, I would sit on my window and look up at the stars. Knowing some where he was up there in a place of happiness and peace. Now looking up I see my mom, looking down on me, she looks so happy, so beautiful, why cant I just join her. Because you have to stay for your sister you idiot, I said to myself snapping back into reality. I looked back at the stars hoping to get lost. I started singing a song that was a little old but it came to mind, "You would not believe your eyes, if ten million fireflies, lit up the world as I fell asleep. Cause they fill the open air and leave teardrops everywhere, you think me rude but I would just stand and stare. I'd like to make myself believe, that planet earth turns slowly. It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep. Cause everything is never as it seems." I sang. But stopped. I Heard someone I turned around. "Jesus Christ you scared me!" I yelled/whispered to William. "Here's your water, and remember we start school tomorrow." He said giving me my water. I said thanks and he walked out. He was so cute I thought to myself. Built body, perfect smile, deep blue eyes like mine, perfectly styled brown hair. Everything about him was perfect. I took a sip of my water and sat back down on the windowsill. "So mom, dad, what am I gonna do with me and Mireya?" I whispered to the stars.

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