I remember it so well. Connors mom called me frantic. She told me Connor was gone. He was dead. He committed suicide. Overdosed on anti depressants. I was in the grocery story with Lacey and her mom. I collapsed. I had never reacted to anything that fast. The word suicide. I was finished. I passed out. I remember waking up in the hospital. They were realising me. Because, Connors funeral was the next day. I went to Lacey's to prepare. Lacey held me so tight. All night. I couldn't. I wanted to die. The next morning. I wore Connors black hoodie he was wearing when we first met. It still smelled exactly like him. The wake was horrible. I had to really say goodbye to my everything. " i promise. When I die. I'll be right next to you. Save a spot In heaven for me con. I love you. You're my forever. Always will be. Rest easy babe-" I broke down in his moms arms. I've never known what it was like to lose the love of your life. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Before they lowered his casket. I kissed him one last time. I kissed him on the forehead. He always used to kiss me on the forehead when I was upset. As they lowered his casket. I tried not to cry. I just stood and glared and the promise ring he had bought me. 'Forever mine' is ingraved on it. He still wears the matching one.