Chapter 14 - Spencer - Christmas Special

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Hey guys Madi here.... I'm very sorry about the years wait for this chapter. We had it done last year but we forgot, sorry I forgot to post it and you can't not post a Christmas special on Christmas so here it is.... So sorry....

Chapter 14 - Spencer

Blaire grins at the new couple sitting beside her. "You do realise that you're getting together anniversary is Christmas eve right?"
Anna laughs. "Oh god! That's great!"
"Are you guys still up for the big Christmas party at my house tomorrow?" I ask.
Every year all our families got together for one big Christmas celebration. It was mainly due to the fact that most of our family lived elsewhere. This year though, we would have Blaire's family coming to join. It was going to be huge.
Blaire laughs beside me. "Yup! It's going to be sooo fun!"
I smile at her before looking at Anna. "Spencer, have we ever missed it before?"
I shrug. "Nah, but Mum was stressing out about it last night. She wanted me to get everyone to say they were coming so she knew how much stuff to make. We're going to be working all night."
"Well me, Anna and Blaire could come over and help!" Marcus said.
"And Me and Kenna," Leo says looking at Marcus.
Marcus laughs. "Oops sorry guys."
I smile. "Yeah that would be super. Mum would adore you all!"


"Mum! I'm home!" I call out.
My mother comes around the corner, her dark hair filled with flour, her green eyes filled with worry.
"Thank god! Oh, hey guys!" she says. Her eyes brighten at the sight of the gang behind me.
"Anna, Marcus, Kenna! How lovely to see you again! And who are these two?"
Leo steps forward and shakes my mum's hand. "Hi my name is Leo, and this is Blaire."
Blaire gives a slight wave, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
"Oh, I've heard a lot about you miss Blaire!" Mum laughs.
Anna giggles and elbows me in the side. My cheeks flushing red.
"Anyway Mum, we've come to help you out."
"So are all your families coming tomorrow?" Mum asks.
Leo shakes his head. "Mine's not miss, my family lives here in Edinburgh so I will be having Christmas with them."
"Oh, ok then sweety. The rest of you though?"
Kenna shrugs. "Don't we always?"
Mum claps her hands together. "Well we better get started."

"Oh god, I'm sooo tired!" Anna moans.
Blaire laughs and stretches her arms up. "I'm not tired but my arms are getting sore from stirring so much stuff!"
I laugh. "You guys are such pussies, I do this every Christmas."
Blaire rolls her eyes. "Yeah, yeah."
"Don't sass me!"
Blaire puts her hand on her hip and stares at me. "I can do whatever I want. You're not the boss of me mister!"
Mum laughs and puts her arm around Blaire's shoulders. "Oh, I love this girl!"
Anna laughs and highfives Blaire.
Mum laughs and turns to me. "I think your friends can go home now Spence. We have pretty much finished everything for tomorrow."
I nod. "Alrighty, lets go!"

Christmas was finally here! The gang and their families weren't due for another couple of hours, but man did me and Mum have a lot of shit to do!
"Spence, can you grab the decorations from upstairs?"
"In the attic?"
"Yup, that's the one!"
"Alrighty Mum, will do."
I quickly sprint upstairs and climb the ladder into the attic. Carrying the boxes down one at a time, I place them gently on the floor, just as Mum walks in.
"Oh yay, now we can make this place look festive!" Mum laughs.
I smile. "I'll do the kitchen and you can do the lounge?"
Mum nods. "Sounds good bud!"
As she goes to leave I pipe up. "Hey Mum, where's Dad?"
Mum shrugs, "Out getting some more food I think."
I chuckle before walking downstairs with my arms full of boxes. I set them down on the kitchen counter and scout my area. Nodding at my plan for the kitchen, I get to work. Threading tinsel and fairy lights wherever I can.
An hour later Mum walks in and see me sitting at the table and playing games on my phone.
"Spencer! Seriously?"
I look up at her. "Sorry Mum, I got bored."
Mum rolls her eyes. "It's a good thing we are only waiting on your Dad otherwise I'd whoop your ass boy! Leaving me to do all the work. The nerve of you!"
I laugh and Mum ruffles my hair.
I groan and try to fix it. "Mum!"
Mum laughs evilly and walks from the room. "The gang will be here soon!"
I roll my eyes. "I know Mum."
"I'm here bitches!"
"Sorry Karena."
My Mum nods in approval before pulling him into a hug.
Anna walks in shortly after, carrying several presents in her arms, Kenna following behind.
"Present time!" Marcus yells.
"No, not until Blaire gets here Marcus," Kenna says with a shake of her head.
I nod. "Also our families need to get inside first."
Marcus laughs. "Details, details!"
The families soon get inside and Blaire finally gets here as well.
"Hey Spence! Merry Christmas!" she says cheerfully, giving me a one armed hug as she passes.
"Hey Blaire Bear."
She giggles.
"Blaire!" Kenna squeals and runs over, followed by Anna. Girls.
"Okay now presents?" Marcus asks.
"Yes Marcus, now presents."
"Woah Spencer! The kitchen looks like Santa and his elves threw up in it!"Anna laughs as she makes her way back into the lounge, tortilla chips in hand.
I roll my eyes as Marcus fist bumps the air and we sit down. The parents leaving to sit in the Kitchen.
"Okay, who's first?"
"I'll go first," Blaire says, handing out her presents to us.
She passes Anna two small, rectangular packages, neatly wrapped in tartan wrapping paper. Anna starts making a pile next to her, sorting them into size order. Next, Blaire hands two rather large cylindrical objects to Kenna, explaining that the one in the blue paper is Leo's. She then hands Marcus his present, a small, cube shaped object wrapped messily in green paper. Marcus, not abiding the rules at all, rips open the wrapping paper in seconds, getting evil glares from Anna and Blaire.
"A Rubik's Cube?"
"Shut up, Brickface! Spencer hasn't got his present yet," Anna sighs, punching Marcus play fulling on the arm. "No opening any more until they've all been given out, okay?"
Blaire placed a small box in front of me, wrapped in paper covered in Christmas jumpers.
"Right! I'll go next," Kenna smiles, passing each of us the same sized rectangular object. Marcus goes to open it, but Anna grabs his hand and holds it so he can't open it.
"I'll go now, then," Marcus sighs, handing everyone floppy rectangular shaped presents without letting go of Anna's hand. He pauses before passing Anna hers and places a small box on top of it, then hands it to her, still holding her hand tightly, and kissing her cheek.
"I'll do mine..." Anna murmurs, her cheeks bright red. She hands everyone another floppy present, each wrapped in blue reindeer paper, her hand still holding Marcus's.
"My time to shine," I laugh, passing Anna and Marcus both rectangular, rigid presents in blue paper, and Kenna a small flat box. I wait to pass Blaire hers, seeing if she would notice she hadn't got one yet.
"My present, generator?" She smirks, crawling over and pulling it out of my hand.
"Well, I guess we can open them now," Kenna says, reaching over to her pile.
"Finally," Marcus giggles, rather like a little girl, and reaches over to tear open all of his presents.
"Marcus, chill," Anna smiles, rolling her eyes and letting Marcus's hand go.

Kenna gave us all small, brightly coloured name tags, each saying our names and 'Rosie's Cafe' on the middle in swirly blue writing. Marcus bought everyone matching new aprons in the same colour scheme, each depicting our nicknames in the same blue handwriting.

Christmas was going well, everyone was laughing and smiling, sharing stories of past Christmas' with Blaire and her family. (Even the most embarrassing ones.) Yup, this Christmas was on it's way to being the most amazing christmas ever!
I watch Anna laughing as Marcus puts a bit of mistletoe above her head and kisses her on the cheek. "Marcus, you're such a dingus!"
Marcus laughs. "Yeah but you love me," he says, putting the mistletoe above his head. Anna laughs and kisses him. They were so cute. Marcus had had a crush on her forever and every christmas he had tried the mistletoe thing, she'd never noticed.
Now they were a happy couple and I was a happy friend.
A knock on the door yanks me out of the daydream I was in and I go to answer it. I open it up and see Leo standing there with a smile on his face. "Is Kenna here?"
Kenna walks out and laughs when she sees him. "Hey Leo!"
Leo smiles. "I brought you your present like I promised. We were passing through and I found it laying in my car still from when I had all the presents in it. So then I was like, ok."
Kenna laughs and takes the present from his hands. "Thanks Leo!"
Leo laughs. "You're welcome, alright, I'll see you later." Then he quickly pecks her on the lips and shuts the door behind him as he leaves. Kenna stands shaken beside me. "That happened," she giggles.

By the end of the night, everyone was exhausted. Anna and Marcus were staying the night at mine. Blaire and Kenna were having a sleepover at Blaire's house as Kenna's family were going away the next day. Kenna hadn't wanted to go.
"Well I had a great night, goodnight and goodbye!" Kenna shouts as she walks out with her family and Blaire's.
"Well goodnight and Merry Christmas Generator," Blaire smiles. up at me.
"Mistletoe, bitches!" Anna shouts holding the above my head. (She's standing on her tippy, tip toes just so you know)
I gulp and look back at Blaire who looks unsure of what to do. But then out of nowhere, she grabs my shirt and yanks me down so she can press her lips to mine. And that guys is when this became the best Christmas ever.

Hey so yeah that happened.... Well it's over to you Eli for your next chapter, hopefully we don't have to wait another year to post.....hahaha.....
Love you all xx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2015 ⏰

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