Chapter 10 - Spencer

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Chapter 10 - Spencer.


“This is freaking impossible guys, we’ll never do it!” I groan.

Blaire shoots me a wide grin. “Don’t say that Spence, are you just gonna give up on the cafe?”

I ignore her. I had been doing that pretty much since Anna had said Blaire didn’t like me.

It was stupid, I don’t even know why I even cared.

“Oh come on Spencer, will you please talk to me!?” Blaire pleads.

I shoot a glare over at her and she raises her hands in surrender.

Marcus sighs and pats me on the back. “Don’t listen to Anna, I know for a fact that Blaire likes you, she just doesn’t want to hurt you somehow.”

“How the hell would she hurt me?”

“Maybe she has something in her life besides the cafe Spencer.” Then with that Marcus turns away and walks over to an upset Anna.

I sigh and look over at Blaire who is doodling random circles onto a piece of paper.

I walk over and sit down in the booth next to her. “What you doing?”

She looks up startled. When she realises its me, a slight blush rises to her cheeks as she looks back down. “I’m making a bubble plan.”

“A what?”

“A bubble plan.”

“What for?”

She looks at me strangely. “To make money for the cafe.”

I nod. I open my mouth to say something else but I am cut off by Leo shouting.

“Oh my God guys!!” he says.

I jump in my seat. “What Leo!?”

Leo gestures over to us, where he was busy searching something up on the computer.

We all stand up and walk over and he starts to explain.

“Well guys, I was doing some research for ideas to save the coffee shop but then I just kinda wanted to see if there was anything on the potential buyer of the cafe,” he says.

Blaire nods. “What did you find?”

Leo smiles at her. “I was just searching and them bam, an article of a mass murder.”

“So you’re saying that our potential buyer is a mass murderer.”

Leo shakes his head. “Nope, our buyer is meant to be dead.”

Anna gasps.

“You see here are all the listed names of the deceased.” he points to a list on the screen. “And here is our buyers name.” We all lean forward and sure enough the name ‘Alexander MacKenzie’ was written there.

I look over at Leo. “So our buyer is dead, could be a different Alexander Mackenzie.”

Leo rolls his eyes. “I don’t think so Spencer, I think we got ourselves an identity thief.”

“How would you know that? Like Spencer says, could be a coincidence with names,” Anna says.

Leo shakes his head. “I thought so to, so I did some more research and came across this.” He clicks into another tab and a mans face fills the screen. “This is our buyer, I saw him the other day when he came into the shop.”

“Yeah so whats his name.”

“His name is Valentino Romero, he is from spain and yes he is a criminal identity thief.”

“Oh my God Leo, how did you find all this!” Kenna exclaims.

Leo shrugs. “I don’t know, once I got into it, it was just one thing after the other.”

Kenna grins and kisses Leo on the cheek. Leo grins his cheeks turning red before he flaps his hand. “We can’t let him get the cafe, what are we going to do!?”

I shake my head. “I don’t know Leo, but we’ll think of something.”

Sorry for such a short chapter, we have an idea of what the fundraiser is going to be but Eli has a way better idea of it than me so I'm going to let her do it haha

Luv you all xoxoxox

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