Chapter 9 - Blaire

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Chapter 9 - Blaire.

I hadn’t talked to Spencer all day. To be honest I’d been avoiding him. I don’t really know why but I was. I was so deep in thought about it I didn’t hear Rosie come up behind me.

“Excuse me Blaire but as soon as we close, can you get everyone into the kitchen I have to tell you all something,” she says.

I glance wide-eyed at her. Rosie never called a meeting, something wasn’t right.

“Alright Rosie, will do.”

Rosie nods and walks back into the kitchen.

“What was that all about?”

I jump and turn to face the dark haired boy. “I don’t know Leo, but I don’t like the sound of having a group meeting.”

Leo shakes his head. “This oughta be good.”


“So I bet you’re all wondering why I called this meeting,” Rosie says.

We all nod.

“I have decided I’m going to sell the Cafe.”

I don’t know what I thought as those words came from Rosies mouth but it definitely wasn’t ‘Yay’.

“What?! Why?!” Anna exclaims.

Rosie shoots Anna a sad look. “Because I want to move on Anna, I have had the cafe for a long time and I just want to settle down for now with my kids and Husband.”

“You have kids and a Husband?” Marcus questions.

Rosie rolls her eyes. “Is that so hard to believe Marcus?”

I couldn’t help it I laughed. The other shoot me weird looks.

“Do you find this funny Blaire?” Anna snaps.

I scowl at her. “No I find this horrible, I just found what Marcus said funny.”

Anna rolls her eyes and turns back to Rosie.

“Is anyone interested in the place yet?”

Rosie nods. “There is a man, Alexander MacKenzie, who is interested in the place.”

“You can’t sell the place Rosie! Just keep it and we’ll stay here and take care of it while you are away!” Kenna says. Leo and Spencer nods in agreement.

Rosie shakes her head sadly. “I need the money guys, we don’t make enough.”

It was then that Anna burst into tears. “You can’t sell this place Rosie you just can’t! We have so many memories here!”

Marcus grabs her and pulls her into a hug. He looks over at me and frowns slightly.

I look back at Rosie. “Give us one week Rosie. If we can come up with the money, you will sell the cafe to us, none of this Alexander guy, am I clear?”

Rosie looks taken aback at the way I talked to her. “Blaire you know I can’t-”


Rosie sighs. “Fine, but one week.”

I nod. “Thank you, now how much are we talking?”

“£200, 000 is the amount recommended by the real estate agent.”

I suck a breath between my teeth. “Oh.”

Anna gasps. “That’s so much, we’ll never be able to make that much!”

I shoot a look at Rosie. “Is that the amount it has to be?”

Rosie nods. “Yes, I’m sorry guys.”

Spencer groans and runs a hand through his hair in frustration. “We are so screwed.”

Marcus who had been quiet until that moment suddenly spoke. “We can do it if we work together.”

I roll my eyes. “Yeah cause we are so going to be able to make 200k by the end of week!”

Anna frowns. “Have some faith Blaire jeez!”

I glare at her. “We can try, no spending any money unless we need to okay?”

Leo rolls his eyes. “I’m pretty sure we got that one Blaire.”

Kenna nods in agreement. “That means no Peppermint hot chocolates Blaire.”

I stare wide eyed at her. “Thats utter madness, I can’t go a whole week without one!”

“On the house guys anything you need or want from the shop I got ya covered,” Rosie laughs.

I nod. “Now we just need to come up with the money.”

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