Chapter 1

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Heeeey Guyys. This is my first Fan Fiction. Dont hate please(:! Im also using my Ipod to do this.


Dont you ever have that feeling when you think something is going to go wrong any day now? I dont know how to explain it. But anyways, Hey my name is Leslie, I am 18, I am 5'4, I have green/blue eyes I am skinny you could say, I love to be myself and well take selfies of course;P I am a fan of the Janoskains<3!

Leslie's POV: 

Grrr! Why do I have to be so scared to sleep latly. I keep having these nightmares about my mom and step dad getting into a bad accident and not making it. Its quite scary, Honestly I don't know what I would do if I did not have them. I turned on my music on my IPhone and layed in my bed listing to music so hopefully I can sleep. *Knock Knock* "Urrg who is it?" I say very annoyed, "Me u dumbo, can I come in?" my 12 year old brother says in a very stupid voice. "Fine whatever come in asshole" I say. Me and my brother Connor have a very strong relationship, we always call eachother names, its common. Connor walk's in and plops down on my bed. "So what do you want at this time of morning?" I say. Oh I forgot its 4:30 on a Saturday morning;P "I could not sleep, I have been having night mares about Mom and Dad getting into a accident and not making it" Connor says sadly. BTW my step dad is Connors real dad, my real dad died when I was 6 from a heart attack. "OMG, same, I hate this nightmare, I have been having the same night made for almost a week" I say yawning, "Leslie?..." Connor says a bit sad, "What Connor" I saw a bit worried. "What if the nightmare actually happens in well reality? We're will I go? What will happen with you? Would he have to go to a new home with new parents?" He says with tears in his eyes. "Connor hopefully it won't happen in reality, and if it does I will keep you, You will live with me, and we could find a home together, Connor dont worry okay?" I say wrapping my arms around him giving him a huge hug. "Okay okay, Can I sleep in here?" Connor says making himself comfortable suspecting my answer is a yes. "Well your already making yourself comfortable so yes" I say laying back down and finally sleeping. I woke up with Connor poking me, Gawd he is a wierd child, but he is my brother so that explains why;P "Connor stop poking me" I say slapping his hand away. "oh jeez, Someone is not a morning person" He says with a playful smirk. "Well I would be if Best Friends was playing right now" I say matter-of-factlly. He just looks at me and takes my IPhone and starts taping away till I see him her up and put my phone in the dock and watch him turn it up and hear Best Friends. Gawd I love Connor. "Better?" He says smiling. "Better" i say dancing with my brother. "BEST FRIENDS, YOU ARE MY FUCKING BEST FRIEND" I sing more like shouting at my brother. Than finally the song ends ):! We walk downstairs and turn on the TV and now we are watching Sponge Bob, My fav show. My brother gets up to get a drink and comes back with a letter. Connor hands me the Note and I read it.

Dear Kids,

Me and your father/step father are out doing stuff, We will be back around 10:00 pm.


Mom and Dad. xoxo

Hmm, Well what to do what to do i say. I get up have a shower and pick out my outfit. I put on my white short shorts and my blue plaide top with my white and blue supras and my blue DGK SnapBack, Im not that much of 

a girly girl. I walk downstairs and I hear the phone ring. I pick it up.  

"Hello?" I say. 

"Hello, Is this Leslie White? Daughter of Mistly White and Chris Dillon?" The voice says.  

"Yes.. What the matter?" I say worried. 

"Im afraid they got into a accident this morning and they did not make it, there body's are getting burried, we already called your Aunt and she told us what to do, I am very sorry" He says. I can feel tears comming.  

"Thankyou, bye" I say hanging up the phone.. Connor runs down crying, He must of been on the other phone.  

"What now? We can't live here anymore" Connor says...


Soo how did u like it so far? u can hate but it won't stop me writing this. Sorry for the cliff hanger, Next chapter will be something you probally will not be expecting.

~Leslie. xoxo

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