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Connors POV:

How could Luke just do that. Like who doe that. He better not come back or else he has to deal with me. Uh he made me so mad. Caspar-lee looks like he likes her. I hate my sister being sad. It kills me to see her cry. Right now she is in caspars arms crying. He looks like a good boyfriend i guess.. They look cute together to be honest. Everyone looks shocked. like really shocked. Leslies phone is ringing. I go to answer it since it is right  beside me. I look who is calling and it is our aunt. Joyful. (c=connor a=aunt)

C:Hey auntie. 

A:Hey connor. were is Leslie?

C: umm she is crying because of her now ex boyfriend.

A: aw boy troubles. well I guess I can just tell you.

C: Um ok, what is it?

A; Well.. I think its time to tell you kids.. Leslie has a twin sister. Your mom gave her to me. So everytime you guys came down i always asked her to go to a friends house. Your mom didnt know how to tell you. Her name is Alexis. Alexis knows that Leslie is her twin sister. She will be at your guys house today, Well she should be there any minute now.. I suggest you hurry up and tell Leslie bye. -Hangs up-

Leslies POV:

How could luke do  that. Uh this sucks.. But atleats Caspar is helping me. He is so adorable. My phone rings and Connor answerd it. He hung up and he looks shocked. "ok that was our aunt. Leslie you have a twin named alexis, mom gave her to aunt when she was born. she wil be here any minute. she will be living with us." Connor says to me. Wow i have a twin. SWEET. "YESSS I HAVE A TWIN! I HAVE A TWIN! HAHAH I HAVE A TWIN!YESYESYES HAPPIST DAY EVER!" I yell. Im so happy. Everyone is laughing at my reaction. "Oh ok laugh at  me. you all are just jelous because you guys dont have a twin" I say looking at them all they just laugh more. "Actually I have a twin, sadly" Jai says. Oh i feel bad for him. The door bell rings. "COMING' I yell out. I open it up and oh my gosh there is a girl that looks exactly like me. Hahaha must be alexis. We just stand there looking at eachother. "Heey, Im Connor, Your little brother, And this is the fool you have to call your twin sister Leslie" "Haha well hello Connor, and it sucks for you Connor because now you have 2 fool sisters." Alexis says . Oh my gosh we are such alike. "Well Come in" I say. "I will make Jai take your bags to the spare room" I say looking at Jai. As he just looks at me and takes the bags up. There is a nother knock on the door, Who can this be. i open up the door and look to see who it was and it is the girl who was kissing Luke. "Before you slam the door on my face, or slap me. I want to explain. Luke is my ex i thought after we broke up i still had feelings for him but turns out when we were kissing it had no spark. I am so sorry, he never said he had a girlfriend. I feel so bad now, I yelled at him when we got into the car. I drove him home and kicked him out of my car. Please forgive me.And my name is Acacia Brinley" Acacia explained. wow i cant believe Luke . I feel bad for Her. "Wow thank you for telling me the truth, You can come in" I say ot her. She is so pretty. "oh my gosh, Hello Joe!" She says to joe. Im guesssing they know eachother. I look over at Caspar and he is looking at Acacia checking her out and bitting his lip.. I actually feel jelly of her".


Sorry for the cliff hanger. lol

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