the party!

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picture of what Alex was wearing to the party on the side-------->>>>>>


"JUSTIN DREW BIEBER ARE YOU COMMING OR NOT!?" i screamed he wouldn't let me in his room and i was already dressed we were going to a party , i did say that's what i wanted to do i just wanted to get drunk.

"YES! ALEX I AM COMMING!" i herd him shout back i chuckled because he was frustrated and i loved it when he was.

"okay okay no need to shout!" i teased him i herd him mumble something to himself and i smiled i really want to know what he needs to tell me before its too late, but if he says it could ruin our friendship is it worth knowing?

i herd to door to his room click open and i looked up to see him he was looking at me wide eyed , well when i say looking at me i kind of meant my legs , i cleared my throat "my face is up here j " i teased him his cheeks went a slight pink and he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"you l-look gorgeous" he stuttered i smiled like crazy on the inside but smirked on the outside i couldn't show him i liked him like that because that could defiantly break our friendship and i wasn't going to risk that.

"well you don't look so bad yourself "i told him he smirked at me and grabbed my hand , led me downstairs to see my mum "oh honey where are you going you look beautiful" i blushed slightly mum always says i looked gorgeous in a good dress and it always makes me blush.

"she does doesn't she " Justin butted in she gave him a look but i couldn't quite name it .

"well were going to a party mum , is it okay if Justin sleeps tonight?" i asked her she smiled at me "of course it is I'm off to see Pattie now actually and be careful you two" she gave us both a kiss on the cheek and sent us on our way.

i let Justin drive because i was feeling generous today and i knew i wasn't going to be capable to drive back.

when we got there he stopped me before i went in "listen to me Al, we will meet here at 2 okay?" i nodded my head "and what do you do if someone comes on to you?" he asked me i rolled my eyes at his behaviour he was acting like a mother going over the ground rules before she did something.

"act like i want it speed dial you and then kick him where it hurts" i told him he always made me remember this before we went to a party.

"good girl , be careful Al " he told me and kissed my cheek he then got out while i calmed myself down.

we walked  to the front door and didn't bother knocking i just walked in , the music was loud and people were grinding on each other and making out in the hallway , i squeezed past them all and found my way to the kitchen to pour myself a drink , this was my plan.

to get absolutely wasted!

i downed the liquid and poured myself another and another and then another until i was sure i would have a lot of fun.

i looked around the kitchen to find someone decent aha i walked over to the good looking guy and smiled "hi" i said to him he looked down at me he was quite a tall one.

"hi gorgeous, whats up?" i grabbed his drink put it down on the table and he gave me a confused look i smiled to him grabbed his hand and dragged him to the livingroom (aka. dance floor).

he must have got my gist because he wrapped his arms around my waist so i  put mine around his neck.

"so princess you wanted to dance??" he wispered in my ear the feeling of his breath against my ear made me shiver.

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