Romantic? So Not me. Is it?

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I fell asleep last night after cleaning up Justin's mess. I woke up this morning and got ready , I then decided to walk to school it's not really far but I just needed some space to clear my head.
I was walking down the long road when a car stopped next to me. Riley turner.
"What do you want?" I asked him sternly. he smiled at me " jump in." I rolled my eyes at him an snorted. " I walked because I didn't want to go to school in my car and I sure as hell would not be jumping in your car." he put his hand over his heart and faked hurt. " you hurt me sweet cheeks you really do." I started to walk faster and he moved his car forward , can he not take a hint?
"Go away Riley." I told him quite annoyed. he chuckled "I'm going I'm going , see you later sugar plum." I gave him a strange look, what's with these names he's calling me?
His car sped off an I sighed with relief. I was slowly walking , thinking about how I was going to make it up to Justin when another car stopped.I didn't look who it was. "what do you want?!" Getting quite angry.
"Get in the car Alex." I stopped on the spot. my eyes widened when I saw who it was. "why?" I asked.
"I'll take you to school , come on." I narrowed my eyes on him.
"I'm not getting in the car with a drunk." I spoke sternly. The car stopped and he got out. he opened the passenger door and pushed me in.
"Oi this is kidnapping! You can get arrested for this! Let me go!" I shouted and screamed but he just got in patiently and started the car. "it's not kidnapping when it's your own child." he spoke. oh so he classes me as his child now.
"Come on Alex we both know I'm not drunk, I'm just driving you to school, there's nothing wrong with a dad taking his daughter to school."
"There is when they don't get along." I muttered. he chuckled slightly , I can not believe this guy. he seriously can't think I'm going to be grateful for the ride. I knew this walking business was a bad idea.
" Alex, I want to make everything up to you , I want to be a dad. The way I've treated you an your mum is horrible I want to make it up to the both of you. I'm going away for awhile just to give us all some space. I hope when I come back we can start a fresh. what do you say?" I was shocked, I couldn't say anything. my mind was blank was he really asking how to make it up to me? Did he really want to try?
"I guess we'll see won't we." a small smile reached his lips as he stopped outside my school.
"Have a nice day Alex I'll see you soon." he smiled at me and drove off. I was shocked , it was so unexpected.
I started walking into school still shocked at the behaviour of the violent man I call my father I bumped into someone. "I-I'm so sorr- oh it's you." I rolled my eyes , why do I feel as though I've gained a stalker?
"Hello babycakes how's it going?" I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Shut up Riley you saw me about 10 minutes ago. please leave me alone." he chuckled at me. oh god.
"Now why would I do that?" He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in closer to him. I tried to worm my way out but I just couldn't.
"Riley let me go! What do you want from me." I shouted still wriggling around. he dropped his arm and grabbed hold of both my shoulders, he pulled me round so I was directly in front of him and smiled.
"This is what I want." I knitted my eyebrows together and opened my mouth to talk. I was stopped my the sudden contact of his lips. why was he kissing me?! My eyes widened and people stared. I wasn't kissing him back so why wasn't he stopping?!
He pulled away after about 2 minutes." just kiss me like you mean it Alex and I'll leave you alone I promise." I can not believe this boy, his gripped on my shoulders loosened and I pushed him away. "the other night shouldn't have happened Riley, we were both drunk it was a mistake." I whispered to him. he smiled and I thought he had finally got the message, but he doesn't , I spoke to soon.
"Well it was the best mistake I ever made." he said loudly so everyone could hear him. ground where's my hole?
I saw cole walking past me and grabbed his hand, he pulled me away with him. "Perfect timing, Thankyou. " I smiled at him. " well what can I say? I'm your knight in shining amour." I burst out laughing and so did he. This felt perfect. me and him.
He was perfect.
Wait, what?

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