Chapter 12: The Big Leap

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"Streampaw, it's time to go!"

"Huh?" Streampaw looked up from the line of flowers and leaves she was memorizing. "To go where?" she asked. Flowerfur's eyes gleamed in amusement. "It's the half moon." she mewed gleefully. The Moonstone! Streampaw jumped up-knocking over all the leaves and flowers- and raced out of the den. "No need to rush!" Flowerfur meowed softly.

It had been a few days since she had become a medicine cat apprentice, and she had already learned so much. She hadn't done anything particularly big. She had picked a thorn out of Amberkit's paw and treated a scratch on Robinpaw; but that was all. Still, the Clan was happy that she had found her true calling. Streampaw loved to make cats feel better. Putting a smile on her Clan-mates faces was payment enough.

As Streampaw sat outside waiting for the traveling herbs, she wondered what all the other medicine cats would think of her. I hope I make a good first impression, Streampaw thought. Flowerfur padded up to her and placed the traveling herbs in front of her. "Here. They might taste bitter;but, other than that you should be fine." she mewed softly as soft moonlight made her pelt shine.

Streampaw nodded and swallowed all of the herbs a once. "Ugh! They are bitter!" she whispered. Flowerfur giggled and nodded. "Wait here. I have to go tell Birdstar we're leaving." Flowerfur meowed, as she began padding towards the leader's den. Streampaw smiled as she felt a wave of pride spread over her. I'm going to be the best medicine cat the Clan has ever seen! Suddenly, she heard a squeak from behind her. "Who's t-there?" Streampaw stammered. She saw the gorse near the entrance to the medicine den rustle. Streampaw narrowed her eyes and took a step forward.

"Come out. I know your there."

The gorse rustled again as Amberkit and Abbykit stepped out of it. "Hi Streampaw!" Amberkit shouted. "Where are you going!?" Streampaw stopped a mrrow of laughter as she looked at the two rebellious kits. "I should be asking you two the same question." she replied.  Abbykit swat Amberkit over the ear and said, "I told you this was a dumb idea!" Amberkit whimpered. "I want to know where she's going though!"

Kits these days, Streampaw mewed in her head. "I'm going to Moonstone to become an official medicine cat apprentice." Amberkit squealed and Abbykit gazed at her in awe. Amberkit suddenly began speaking as fast as a bee. "That must be exciting! Going to talk with our ancestors! What will they say!? What are they gonna-" Abbykit put her paw over her sister's mouth and looked back up at Streampaw. "What she means to say is- please don't tell Finchflight we're out here! We were just curious!"

Streampaw smiled. "Of course I won't tell. But, you should go back to the nursery before she realizes that your both missing." The two sisters nodded and  scurried back to the nursery. Amberkit looked over her shoulder at Streampaw, her gaze still full of curiosity. Maybe she'll be my apprentice someday...

"Time to go Streampaw!" Flowerfur shouted from across the clearing. It's time for me to walk with StarClan, she thought excitedly. "I'm coming Flowerfur!" Streampaw bounded over to the medicine cat and followed her out of the bramble tunnel.


"Why are we waiting here?" Streampaw asked. She and Flowerfur had been sitting by the ThunderClan border for quite sometime, and she was becoming reckless. "It's better to wait for the other medicine cats. They don't know the moor as well as you and I do." Flowerfur sighed. Streampaw nodded. "Okay." she mumbled.

Flowerfur glanced at her and smiled. "Don't worry. The night is still young. You'll have plenty of time to get to Moonstone." she whispered comfortingly. Suddenly, Flowerfur's ears flickered and she sat up. "Look. There's Suncloud and Redpaw; and, there's Lillypool. "Streampaw padded up next to her and saw the three cats walking towards them. She also spotted a dusky ginger she-cat with a white muzzle with a golden cat padding next to her. "Who are they?" she asked. Flowerfur looked and said, "Oh that's Dawnlight and Honeydrop. Their the ThunderClan medicine cats."

As soon as the cats reached them, the group of medicine cats began their short yet long journey to Moonstone. Streampaw saw Redpaw, the ShadowClan medicine cat apprentice, walking with Honeydrop. They were talking about what they had learned in the past moon. Should I say something, she thought. Streampaw took a timid step towards them and whimpered. It's two apprentices! Not two leaders! "Um... Hello." finally mewed Streampaw.

The two cats looked back at her. "Oh, hello there. I'm Honeydrop!" mewed the pretty golden she-cat. "Your Flowerfur's apprentice right?" growled the brown apprentice with one russet paw. Streampaw nodded. "Y-yep. I'm Streampaw."


Finnaly, after trekking the moor, they had all reached Highstones. Streampaw's paws felt as if they would fall off. "I think we should start heading down." Lillypool mewed, her amber eyes gleamed with concern. Flowerfur nodded. "Yes. Let's go." she said as she began going down Mothermouth. Suncloud, the ShadowClan medicine cat, moaned and followed. "My paws are getting to old for this." he hissed. Redpaw laughed and padded besides his mentor.

"Oh, Suncloud. Quit your usual moaning and move. The moon is almost at its full height!" Dawnlight mewed jokingly.

The Moonstone's light was already lighting up the small tunnel. Streampaw felt nervous. What if they reject me? I'll never have a mate or kits... No. The Clan will be my kits. Streampaw gasped as a flash of silver light blinded her. "Ahh! What is that!?" she yowled. Flowerfur laid her tail on her shoulder. "It's the Moonstone. It's alright." Streampaw uncovered her eyes and padded towards the stone.

"I will begin." Flowerfur mewed.

"StarClan. I have brought you this apprentice, who wishes to enter the world of StarClan's as a medicine cat apprentice. Grant her your wisdom and insight, so she will know and understand how to heal her Clan, in accordance with your will." Flowerfur mewed. Streampaw felt her pelt prickle with anticapation. I'm ready, she thought. I'm ready...

"Streampaw, is it your wish to enter the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat?" asked Flowerfur. "It is." Streampaw answered, her voice shaking. She was about to enter the world of StarClan, to forever dedicate her life to her Clan. "Then, step forward. Lay down, put your nose on the stone, and close your eyes." Flowerfur directed. Streampaw nodded. She lay down besides the silver stone and put her nose on it.

She felt the soft black wave of sleep take her, as she entered the world of medicine cats.


Ugh!!! You guys have no idea how long it took me to write this! I have a headache. :'( At least I finished, and you guys will be happy with the long chapter! Hope you liked it! :) Streamtail out! *walks away like a boss*

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