Watch Your Mouth Snivelous

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'PRONGS!' Sirius Black shouted opening one of the train doors wide open. James Potter couldn't respond as his mother had trapped him in a tight embrace. 'Er Mother? The train is leaving!'

'I'm sorry! It's just that I hardly ever see you now! But Mrs.Potter let go of James anyway. He quickly grabbed his owl and his trunk. The train had started rolling forward slowly. 'No! Stop!' James shouted running along side it.

'Pass me your trunk!' Sirius said leaning out the train door. James managed to catch up with Sirius and he threw in his trunk with all his might. Sirius grabbed it then pulled it through the door and placed it next to him. 'Jump!' Sirius said flapping his arms around wildly. 'Hold tight Marsol!' Marsol, James owl, didn't respond as she was fast asleep. 'One...Two...'

'Just jump!' Interrupted Sirius now jumping up and down. James held Marsol's cage to his chest then jumped through the door and landed in a heap at Sirius's feet. Sirius pulled the door shut. James got up looking very windswept. 'Thanks Padfoot' Jame said smiling. Marsol gave a surprised hoot as she had just woken up on her side. Sirius picked up James's trunk. 'Come on, Moony and Wormtail saved us a carriage!'

'Wait! We need to stop by Eavens carriage!' Sirius looked thoughtful all of a sudden. 'You think Snivelous will be there?' James smiled slyly. 'Of course!' Sirius laughed. 'He is definitely first on my REVENGE LIST' James nodded his head in agreement

They started walking up and down the corridor, peering into each carriage that they past. 'Here!' James suddenly declared. Sirius rushed over and on the count of three, pulled open the carriage door open.

'Hello Eavens!' James said giving a smile so big it took up half ofhis face. Lily rolled her eyes. She was standing in themiddle of the compartment holding her owl in one hand and her trunk in the other. Severus was sitting in the far corner looking likethe only thing that would make him happy would be touse the unforgivable curses onJames and Sirius.

'Have you two ever heardof manners before? Sorry Severus, I have to the Prefects carriage.' James cursed. Lily pushed James and Sirius out of the carriage then stormed up the corridor. 'Bad timing mate' Sirius said shaking his head and patting James on the back who was looking highly disappointed.'Dosen't mean we can't hang out with Snivelous!' James instantly lit up.

Severus was now reading a book but it was upside down. Sirius put James's trunk down on one of the seats and sat down next to it. James sat down too but next to Severus. 'Hiya Snivelous!' Sirius said giving a cheery wave. Severus mumbled something. 'Whats that Snivelous? You might want to speak a tiny bit louder.' James asked mockingly. 'Hello' Severus said not looking away once from his book. 'Morons' He added on under his breath.

Unfortunately for him, both James and Sirius heard. 'Tut tut Snivelous, don't call someone a moron unless you tell it to their faces. Ready Padfoot?' James said raising his eyebrows. 'Ready Padfoot.' Sirius replied taking his wand out from his pocket. 'One...' Started James. 'Two...'

'Three!' Finished Sirius and together they both gave a quick flick of their wand. Severus yelped dropping his book. In the next second, it looked like he was being hoisted up by invisible strings attached to his ankles. Severus was thrashing around helplessly like a fish out of water. Sirius high fived James laughing. 'Let me down!' shouted Severus angrily. 'Er, No way!' Sirius said.

'Keep it down!' James hissed looking warily out of the door. 'The Prefects are bound to come back soon' That made Severus thrash around even more. 'LET ME DOWN!' He screamed. 'Oh isickle bickle Snivelous tooembarrassed to let anyone see him getting hexed by two wittle Gryffindors?'Sirius asked in ahigh-pitched fake voice. James laughed. 'Lets go. Moony and Wormtail will be thinking that we jumped of the train or something!'

'Okay. Buh bye Snivelous!' Sirius saidgetting up and picking up James's trunk again. Jamesdid the samebut picked up Marsol who had fallenasleep again. 'Wait! Your not going to leave me up here?' Severus asked still kicking his legs and waving his arms.

James gave a sigh. 'Eavens wont like it ifIleave him up there.' Siriusrolled his eyes. 'Okay, if you must' Sirius said rolling his eyes. James gave a flick of his wand that was still in his hand and Severus fellto the floor like a rock. James and Sirius laughed as they got out the compartment.

Sirius suddenly groaned. 'Oh no, look it's Eleanor again'

'Your girlfriend?' asked James. 'Yeah. The clingy one'

'All of your girlfriends are clingy.' James pointed out. 'Good point' Sirius said shrugging. 'Oh great. hide me!' Sirius said thrusting the trunk into James's arms as Eleanor came storming towards them. Before James could say anything else, Sirius had rushed into Severus's compartment again, leaving James with a very irritated Eleanor.

Please ignore me, he thought as James dragged his trunk and Marsol down the corridor and past Eleanor and her group of 'wannabees'. 'Jane?' Eleanor suddenly asked grabbing James sleeve. Darn, James thought as he reluctantly turned around. 'It's James' He said. 'Whatever' Eleanor said tossing her long sleek ginger hair back. 'Have you seen Sirius? Your good friends with him I heard'

'Er no' James shrugged. 'Hmff' Eleanor said narrowing her eyes slowly. 'Eleanor?' One of the girls behind Eleanor came forward and started talking to Eleanor about some Prefects. James took this moment of distraction for granted and quickly heaved Marsol and his trunk down the corridor as fast as he could.

James managed to lose Eleanor eventually. Bloody Hufflepuff, he thought angrily. He reminded himself to ask Sirius what on earth he saw in that girl.

James kept looking in each carriage to try and find Remus and Peter and finally he managed to find Peter sitting in the corner looking very lost. James slid the door open making Peter jump. Peter relaxed when he saw it was only James. 'Hi Prongs' He squeaked. 'Hey, where is Moony?' James asked lifting his trunk up onto the rack next to two others. 'Prefects meeting' Peter said. 'Oh yeah! I forgot!'

James suddenly remembered the last letter that he had received from Remus during the holidays saying that Remus had got a Prefects badge. 'Is he coming back soon?' Peter opened his mouth to answer but was stopped by Sirius who had ran in and fallen over onto the carriage floor.

He quickly scampered up onto his feet and slammed the door shut. 'Hide me!' He said jumping up and down. James didn't waste a second and pulled his invisibility cloak out from his pocket and chucked it over Sirius.

'Why did you-you have your cloak in your poc-pocket?' Peter whispered. 'In case of an emergency' James replied. '-and now you see why' He added on as Eleanor's face appeared at the window of the door. She moved on and James turned to face (what he hoped) was Sirius. 'Coast is clear' He said. Sirius stripped of the cloak then handed it back to James. 'I owe you one mate' He said.

Just then Remus slipped in looking slightly flushed. 'Hi Moony' James said. 'Oh hey Prongs' He said smiling. 'You guys should of seen Lily's face when Severus'

'Snivelous!' corrected Sirius

'-told her what you guys did to him' James shrugged. 'He deserved it' Sirius nodded his head in agreement. 'Well she then had a go at me saying that I need to control you two' James and Sirius burst out laughing. 'Don't worry Moony, I'll say that you tried to stop us but we hexed you' Sirius said smirking. 'Eh, no way Padfoot! I'm not going to let you prance around telling everyone that I'm weak!' They all laughed. They were interrupted however by a knock on the door. 'Anything from the trolley dears?'

'Oh yes! I'm starving!' James said rubbing his belly. Sirius got up. 'I think we will have...'

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