The Four Marauders

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PROLOGUE : A Boy With Mousy Hair and Mousy Looks

Peter Pettigrew, a small, plump boy, made his way to Platform 9 3/4. He nervously looked around him trying to find his friends. When he reached Platform 9 3/4, he decided to wait. Then he changed his mind. Then again. Then again. Finally he decided to go through the gateway. At least people wouldn't stare at him and give him funny looks there.

He wiped his sweaty hands on his jumper and then got in front of the pillar that was in between Platform 9 and Platform 10. He then took a deep breath then ran through.

 Peter looked around. The Hogwarts Express was quite still and there wasn't many people there yet. He looked at the big ticking clock on the wall. Peter didn't realise that he got there as early as he had.

He wheeled his trunk out the way so the next person wouldn't accidentally bang into him. He only made that mistake twice.

 Peter bit his lip. He wasn't quite sure what to do with himself. Peter looked around again. He hoped that at least one of his friends would be there.

He ran a hand through his mousy hair, then nervously flattened it trying to hide the fact that he messed it up. He then gave a squeak.

 He saw a Slytherin boy that threatened to push him onto the train track last year. Peter ran behind another pillar trying to blend in, which was hard because there wasn't many other people there. The Slytherin luckily just walked past noticing nothing. Yes, some Slytherin's are not the brightest. Peter gave a relieved sigh. Maybe he will just stay here until he see's one of his friends.

 He peered around the side of the pillar then decided that the coast was clear. Peter nervously creeped out pulling his trunk behind him. He smiled to himself then started walking towards the end of the train.

Suddenly he felt a tap on the shoulder. 'Prongs? Padfoot? Moony?' He asked turning around. 'Eh, no' Peter felt a chill go down his spine. It was the Slytherin boy.

 The boy must of turned around again when Peter wasn't watching. 'Ah, look. Its little Peter boy!' He said smiling cruelly and lifting Peter of the ground by grabbing his jumper. 'What should I do with you my friend?' The boy looked thoughtful, which was a change because the boy literally never thinks. 'I got it! I think I will chuck your trunk onto the track, then BAM! It will explode when the train runs right over it!' Peter trembled. 'Jus-just let me go' Peter said pathetically. The Slytherin boy laughed mockingly. 'No way!'

Just then he dropped Peter onto the ground. The boy turned around and Peter edged around him to see what stopped the boy. A tall Ravenclaw boy was fiddling with his glasses and had a scornful look on his face.He looked like he was in his sixth or seventh year. 'What are you doing?' He asked briskly. The Slytherin boy looked from the Ravenclaw boy then back to Peter. 'I was just-'

'Leave him alone' The Ravenclaw boy interrupted. The Slytherin boy sulked off, kicking the ground as he went. Peter was wondering why on earth the Slytherin boy was scared of the Ravenclaw boy, then he saw the brilliant blue badge pinned on the Ravenclaw's top. 'Thanks' Peter mumbled getting up. The Ravenclaw boy smiled and shrugged. 'Its my job' He said. The Ravenclaw boy gave a little wave then walked away towards a little first year that was struggling with her pet toad.

 In all that commotion, Peter didn't realise that more and more people had arrived. Little Peter turned around craning his neck to see over the crowds. He was wondering if either Sirius, James or Remus had got here yet. Peter was about to give up until he saw a fifth year boy sitting on one of the bench next to his trunk.

'Remus!' Peter said relieved.

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