Hogwarts is falling down

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Hermione Pov
"Hermione, Hermione are you there?" called a voice from the fireplace.

I rushed over dropping my towel forgetting the dishes for now, "what is it?"

"Oh good, you are still home. There is something you need to hear from the horse's mouth," Professor McGonagall exclaimed. "Can you come to Hogwarts right away?"

"Why? What's wrong now?"

"Just come quickly and bring Ron," with that McGonagall disappeared from the floo.
Hermione Pov
I was walking to the twin's, er, George's shop where Ron was helping when I ran into Ginny. She looked to be crying about something so I stopped her.

"Wha...oh hello Hermione...I was just getting some potion supplies...because...I ran out," she finished in a very unconvincing manner.

"Okay, now what are you really doing here?"

"I just want to think some things over. Alone, by myself without any distractions and I really do need the supplies."

"Hey Hermione, what are you doing here?" Ron shouted across the street while running over to Ginny and I.

"Well, I came to get you; McGonagall needs us at Hogwarts," I replied.

"Hogwarts?" Ginny whispered before running out of sight once more.

"What, that's Ginny! What happened to her?!"Ron exclaimed in shock.

"I was trying to figure that out before you got here but maybe McGonagall will know something? Come on, we should get going and later will ask Ginny what happened."

"But Ginny might need help right now!"

"Honestly, Ronald you know very well that your 'little' sister can handle herself just fine. Now we should not keep Professor McGonagall waiting because it sounded urgent." I pulled him towards the floo and push him in.
Minerva Pov
I so do not want to be the one to tell those two what happened but I promised Harry so I have to.


The floo alarm went off and I rushed to answer, a habit from the war because you never know how long the caller has to talk.

"Professor, can I come through? I need to talk," Harry's voice echoed around the office.

"Of course, Harry." He was in the office before I finished talking.

"Professor, the gods have decided, without consent, to publish my life story as fiction for muggles and nonfiction for the wizards." He started pacing as he said, "what is published could cause horrible repercussions for not only me but many other people. I wish I could stop them but I came for a favor."

"What is it dear?"

"I don't think I can tell 'Mione and Ron...it was hard enough to tell Ginny...why do these things always happen to me."

"Harry, calm down what is it?" I asked in my perfected mother voice.

"I...was severely abused by my uncle, aunt, cousin, and teachers...when I was younger...it is the reason why I don't ask questions in school and why I didn't trust adults...we only came to you about the stone because Hermione said we needed a teacher but then you didn't believe us...then with the chamber we went to tell Lockhart what we knew which was almost everything...then Fudge the idiot thought we were confounded by a wizard without a wand...I was forced to compete by adults...then Umbi..." he paused with an abashed look. "...and Dumbledore ignored me...finally all the ministry...it is no wonder why I don't like adults."

"Harry, what? You were abused? I knew I should have taken you from those awful muggles! Why didn't I follow my instincts?"

"Don't blame yourself with my parents' will being lost Dumbledore had to put me with my aunt."

"Your parents' will was lost!" I exclaimed in outrage.

"Peter stole it as insurance in case I survived so I would have a bad childhood. He knew my mum hated her sister because she became a bully when mum had magic and she didn't. Can you tell 'Mione and Ron about the books and my past, please I don't know if I can do it," Harry pleaded.

"Alright, I will try," I promised.

"Thank you, professor," and with that he disappeared into the fire.

The floo flared up for the second time today and I mentally prepared for the worst.

Hermione Pov

Ron Pov
'I am going to kill those freaks!'
I got a comment to update and it made my day but I had to finish this chapter! I hope you guys like it.

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