The End

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The world is in chaos since it was discovered all that the Boy Who Lived had to go through before becoming the hero of the Wizarding World. We, at the Daily Prophet, are shocked at the revelations the new book series has shown about the abuse and trauma that Harry Potter endured. The history books have been taken off the shelves to be revised. The inaccurate children books are pulled from Flourish and Blotts forever and all profits are being redirected to the new Child Abuse Act made by the Ministry. Apology letters from the authors have been sent to Harry Potter for using his name and life for their own game but none have been received. Mr. Potter has disappeared; presumably, waiting for all this to die down. This will be the last article written about Mr. Potter unless we are given permission directly from Mr. Potter. We are deeply sorry and wish Harry and his family good luck. Sincerely, the Daily Prophet.


The books released by the Gods to the mortal, wizard, and godly worlds have been received with disbelief and horror. Harry went to visit Percy at camp and hung out there until he received a letter from Ginny that everything was back to normal; well, as normal as the wizards can get. Percy continued business as usual and ignored all the stares as the campers adjusted to the new information. Eventually, the Gods revised the books to edit out the major abuse and become the fictional tales that have become legends in the mortal world. The Gods wanted to show the world not to take their heroes for granted and the world has never been the same. Mission accomplished, I guess. I hope you are happy but I could really care less. My child and grandchild was put in the crossfire for you and I wish they weren't. Goodbye and good luck, I leave my kingdom to Triton and Percy and join Pan wherever he is.

Sorry about how this ended but I didn't know what else to write and I feel like this story has reached its peak. It was never a reading the story fic and the only story here is my own. I hope you enjoyed this book and send me comments if you liked it or how you wished it ended. I wrote this to show more of Percy's and Harry's personalities and what would happen if they were confronted with the past. I don't know if I succeed there but it has definetly got more reads and comments than I was expecting so thank you everyone who stuck through to the end.


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