I need a vacation!

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Nico Pov
Why are the gods doing this to Percy? Didn't he have enough grief these past six years? Percy didn't want people to know because he was trying to move on. He only told me in hopes that I would talk to him when my depression over Bianca's death got too hard to bear.

"Hey, Nico wait up!" Percy shouted.

"What do you want?" I growled.

"You know your sister wouldn't want you to continue to live this way. I know it has only been a year but it is okay to talk about it a little."

"You don't understand; it isn't that simple."

"Because you lost your twin," Percy stated.

"H-how did you know? We didn't have the same birthday because I was a year late."

"My uncle loves his wife and he would not cheat on her with the same person twice unlike our other uncle. Besides, I read in one of my dad's books that Ghost Kings take a longer time to fully develop so you would have been extremely late. There is also the fact that children of the Big Three take less time to develop so Bianca would have been born earlier at three months."

"How do you know that Big Three children take so little time to develop?"

"My dad met my mom in the summer and I am a summer baby. I was also born in the same year which should not have been possible unless mom was only pregnant for three months," Percy shrugged. "I will be there for you if you need it and I understand pain even if it is not the pain of losing your other half."

"We have all fought monsters and in the war so by that logic I could talk with anyone else," I replied warily. 'Who was this guy? The Percy I know doesn't read and definitely isn't this smart though he has his moments.'

"I wasn't talking about the war. I was talking about my stepfather."

"Paul? He is so nice why would Paul give you pain?"

"My other stepfather was an awful man and my mom was only with him because he covered my demigod scent. May he rest in punishment the bast..."

"Percy! You shouldn't say stuff like that!"

"You have a better word for a rapist? I would love to hear it," Percy said skeptically.

"Uhh...what?! He...he did what?! I'll kill him!" I spat venomously.

"You can't kill him because mom already used Medusa's head on him. I don't want people to know but I trust you and I want you to know that I am here for you. Besides, you observe people more than anyone else at camp after me and you would notice everyone's PTSD. I have had PTSD since long before I came to camp so I can manage it which means you would notice my lack of reaction."

"What does your PTSD make you do?" I hurriedly add, "if...f you don't mi...ind my asking."

"I knew I was a demigod son of Poseidon when I was seven and I could speak Greek fluently but I suppressed my knowledge so I would not draw attention to myself. I have my fair share of blackouts because of smells and certain words put together but I hide them by pretending to be someone else. I pretend that I am a Seaweed Brain but I knew most people's darkest secret on the first day I met them. I knew you and your sister were from World War II when I saw you but I didn't realize what I figured out until Bianca told me because I suppressed my thoughts so much it became habit to forget; no, that is not the right word, I pushed what I knew to the back of my mind almost immediately."

"Does anyone else know about this?"

"Besides the immortals? No, I think most of the gods play off my fake persona and are faking hating my guts. Why else would Athena show up to help me find her daughter when she could have told Thalia and Zoë instead? Why would Ares use his magic to affect me over Annabeth and Grover if not to help me maintain my cover of being easily defensive? Why would Hestia appear near me so often when she rarely appears when other campers are near? They all feel sorry for me but I rather they leave me alone I can take care of myself; I have since I was three."

"You didn't tell your mom about your PTSD and your split personality? Why?"

"Mom has enough to worry about without worrying about my mental health. It's not like she didn't go through the same torture as me although my punishment was always worse. Anyways, I don't want you to shut down like I have your only 13-80 something you should enjoy your life not fall to depression. You are the oldest young person in the world you should get yourself a bo...girlfriend and be young and foolish."

End flashback

He knew I was gay even back then; probably knew I had a crush on him too. I shake my head, "I should go find him and make sure he is alright."

Percy Pov
I am so dead. How can I go back to camp if everyone knows? What about school? Are the gods telling the mortals my story or just the demigods? Did the gods tell my mom? Oh, Mom will shoot me, ask my dad or uncle to bring me back, then ground me till I die again!

"Percy, what are you going to do?" Poseidon interrupted Percy's thoughts.

"Oh, hey Dad what's up?"

"The sky, now what is your plan?"

"I don't know I have never dreamed that anything like this would happen especially not now after the second war ended and the wizard war is over as well. Is it too late to hide in the Sea of Monsters? I think I would prefer just about anything over the mess I am in right now."

"The Sea of Monsters, huh, isn't that a little been there done that," Nico commented.

"How bad is it at camp?"

"Pretty bad everyone is going crazy trying to compare what the gods have said to everything you have said and done. Annabeth fainted and scared the new campers who have never seen her crack. All of your friends are blaming themselves for not seeing what you went through sooner especially the ones who were at camp when your stepfather was still alive," Nico replied casual as if it was no big deal. "By the way, Uncle P left after I showed up; I guess he trusts me to get you moving."

"I guess I should face the camp but I rather not."

"I know. Can you not let anyone know that I knew? I am still in trouble for not talking about the Roman camp to anyone."

"Sure, as long as you don't tell about anything you have learned about me in the past few years."

"Deal," Nico said before shadow traveling both of them to camp.

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