--2--"Just Friends"--

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 That was how it all started, with Liam Simpson spilling his drink on me at a party in September then taking me home to watch movies which turned into me spending the night with him, all innocently of course.

It was October when things started to get complicated, well, more complicated than they already were. You see, we hung out several times after that weekend in September. In that time we found out that we had quite a few things in common including our love of old movies and action movies and weird documentaries that played late at night on the History Channel. We spent a lot of time together, a lot. We were with each other nearly every Saturday night, if neither one of us had a game, and if one of us had an away game, we'd make it up on Sunday night since neither of us had early Monday classes.

I wasn't quite sure what kind of relationship we actually had, whether it was just a friendship thing or if we were kind of boyfriend and girlfriend or something else that I didn't know about. He kissed me once, but that was the only thing that would make anyone think we were more than friends. I think he knew as soon as he did it that it was totally weird, hell I probably didn't react right so he said oh shit she's not worth it and decided to just lead me on to be nice or something. Either way, we sat on the couch of the club hockey house every Saturday night with our legs barely touching while watching old movies but nothing had happened romantically quite yet.

Yet, being the key word there.

"So why are we here?" I asked one Thursday night as we sat in the lobby of the McDonald's a few blocks off campus eating ice cream.

Don't ask me why we were eating ice cream, it was cold as hell outside but for some reason he suggested we go get ice cream that afternoon when I saw him at the library after class.

"Because we enjoy each other's company?" he guessed.

"Rumor has it you and Lila are back together," I remarked, "Or more like she took you back. Every version of the story I've heard says that you cheated on her."

Nikki was on the figure skating team abut her cousin was on the women's varsity hockey team with Lila. So she knew everything that was going on with she and Liam's relationship because the team spent so much time together and her cousin told her almost everything. She told me the night before Lila had taken Liam back after he had allegedly cheated on her.

"She thinks I cheated on her," he replied, looking up at me with those mesmerizing green eyes, "So she broke up with me."

"You told me she cheated on you this summer," I replied.

"I was drinking that night," he replied, trying not to make eye contact as he stuck his spoon back in the ice cream.

"Sure," I remarked, rolling my eyes, "Did you two get back together or not?"

"Yeah," he replied, his green eyes refusing to look into my own, "But then we broke up again, kind of, but now we're kind of back together."

"Then why am I here with you?" I asked.

"You and I are just friends, and it's nice to hang out with someone who isn't ticked at me ninety percent of the time for no reason whatsoever," he replied, "And what she doesn't know won't hurt her."

"I guess you're right," I replied after a minute.

Did I think this was a good idea? Not in the least. Did I care? Apparently not because I loved sitting across the table from him and staring at his green eyes and sly smirk as we laughed and joked about nothing for hours. It was almost like I was so desperate for the kind of attention he gave me, I'd never felt more confident than when he looked at me the way he did, with a twinkle in his emerald green eyes that was only there when he looked at me.

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