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It was 2:30 late Saturday night, early Sunday morning when our bus rolled back into Aladine. Much to my surprise, Liam and the guys team had also recently returned, I guess they had gotten held up in the same traffic jam we had. They'd played at the same rink we had but our game had gotten over about twenty minutes after theirs did. We both ended up blowing the teams out 6-0 each, I had two goals and Liam had four.

"Want a ride back to your apartment?" Natalie asked as we walked to the lobby after putting everything back where it belonged in the locker room.

"Uhm," I said, looking to the lobby where Liam was waiting, "I'm good, thanks. Liam's taking me home I guess."

"Okay," she said, "Have fun," she winked.

"Nice timing, eh?" Liam smirked as we walked out of the rink together.

"Very nice," I grinned as I pulled my hood up over my head.

"Your place of mine?" he asked as we walked through the first set of the double doors leading out of the rink.

"Yours," I replied as he took my hand in his and kissed me on the lips.

I knew that Nikki was home until 5 that morning before leaving for a competition and would spend half the next day lecturing me over the phone while she was on the bus if she saw he and I passed out on the couch when she left and I didn't really want to spend my Sunday being lectured about my relationship choices so Liam's place it was. Besides, I didn't have a TV at my place and we both knew we weren't going to sleep right away anyway so we might as well have something to do other than make out before we drifted off to sleep.

An hour later, we were buried beneath the warmth of the blankets in his bed. We'd watched about 20 minutes of a random movie that was on TV before we realized that it just wasn't possible for us to be that close to each other without some kind of action going on.
As of now, we'd been making out for a solid five minutes, his hands running up and down my body and our lips either moving together or trailing down each others' neck.

"Damn, I love you," he breathed between kisses as his lips kissed from the nape of my neck back to my lips.

"What?" I asked, pulling away, set off by his comment.

"I said, damn, I love you," he breathed into my ear.

"Stop Liam," I said, pulling away, pissed off now that he'd repeated it when I knew it wasn't true.

"Come on Liv," he sighed, brushing a few stray hairs behind my ear.

"I said stop," I said, pushing him away and getting out of his bed.

"Where are you going?" he asked as I slipped on my tracksuit over his t-shirt.

"Back to my apartment," I said.

"Liv, please," he begged, following me out to the door.

"Bye Liam," I said curtly as I walked out the door into the cold, dark night.

I pulled my hood over my head, shivering in the late night wind as snowflakes began to fall to the ground around me.

How could he say he loved me? We were sneaking around, he'd said it a week ago and we'd been avoiding his girlfriend he just couldn't seem to shake for two weeks now. If he loved me why was I not number one? If he loved me why didn't he want an actual relationship with me where we didn't have to hide?

I was halfway down the block back to my apartment when I thought I heard footsteps. I frantically scanned the surrounding area, only to see darkness.

I had only taken three steps after scanning the area when I felt someone come up next to me.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing out this late at night?" a voice remarked as the person grabbed my arm.

"I don't have any money on me, sorry," I said, taking a deep breath.

"Who said we wanted your money?" a second voice remarked as another figure came out of the shadows and stood extremely close to me.

"I don't think you should be screwing with me," I laughed nervously.

"I think I should," the second figure said in my ear.

"I don't think so," I laughed, elbowing the guy behind me in the guy and kneeing the second guy in the crotch before taking off running.

"Where do you think you're going?" a third guy asked as he came out of nowhere and grabbed me once again.


"Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way," the second guy remarked as he pulled a gun from the waist of his pants and the third let me go and took a step back.

I stood there thinking as I worried about what they were about to do next and the two got closer and closer until I could feel them breathing down my neck, causing a chill to run down my spine. I'd taken so many self defense classes in high school, I carried pepper spray but nothing could've prepared me for this situation. I wanted to blame Liam for fucking with my head before this, had he not, I wouldn't have walked home alone or I would've been clear headed walking home alone and maybe I would've noticed the people creeping on me.

"That's what I thought," the second laughed, "Go ahead guys."

At this, I lunged forward and tackled him to the ground, causing him to drop the gun as his body hit the ground. I got ahold of the gun before his buddies could, but there was nothing left in the magazine.

I grabbed my pepper spray from my keychain on my wallet, spraying two of them enough to scare them away. I sprayed the third guy in the face, causing him to fall to the ground.

He managed to get back up and lunge at me, but I had braced myself enough so I didn't fall right away. When I did fall, my head hit the pavement, hard, sending me into a haze just long enough for him to pin me to the ground and sneak his hand down my pants, immediately making me want to puke as my body froze up. My body was paralyzed but my mind was racing, I wanted to vomit, I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, I wanted to kick him in the balls and punch him in the face but I couldn't. I laid there helpless in the grass between the street and the sidewalk. When I finally realized where I was and what was going on, I wrestled my way on top of him and he punched me in the gut, causing me to hit him upside the head with the handle of the empty gun that was an arms length away. He shoved me off of him, causing me to fall back onto my wrist but as soon as the sirens began to sound like they were getting closer, he ran away.

"Liam!" I yelled as I sat in the middle of the grass in tears and my head spinning and pounding, "Liam!" 

"Liv! Oh my gosh, are you okay?" he yelled as he ran over to me, "She's okay, I found her," he said to his phone before hanging up.

"There, there were three of them," I said, unable to breath properly.

"I called the police, they're on their way," he said, sitting next to me on the wet grass and holding me tightly in his arms before the police finally arrived.



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