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 "Sorry for the mess," Liam remarked as we walked into his room.

"I-I don't care," I replied.

"Lay down Liv, you look like you're sleepwalking," he said, putting his hand on my shoulder, which was ice cold after standing outside for twenty minutes, "God, you're freezing, I'll grab you another blanket from my closet."

"Thanks," I said as I crawled into his bed, freezing in my shorts and tank top.

I was too scared right now to even think about all the rumors that would end up circulating if anyone found out I was sleeping in Liam Simpson's bed while he allegedly had a girlfriend. That would go over well with my mother if and when she found out. Instead of thinking about all the millions of reasons why I shouldn't even be there, I crawled into his bed and was screaming in my head, begging him to offer to stay with me.

"Here's a sweatshirt too, you're freezing Liv," he said, handing me a hoodie that was hanging on the back of his door, "I'll be out on the couch," he said, causing my heart to sink down into my chest, "If you need anything, I'm right out there."

What was I thinking? Why did my heart sink when he told me he was going to sleep out on the couch?

Because you have feelings for him you absolute moron, my mind told me.

"Thanks," I said quietly as I put his hoodie on over my tank top I'd planned on sleeping in and pulled the blanket over my cold body as he walked out of the room.

He'd given me his jacket a handful of times when we'd hang out at the rink or go out and get ice cream or food late at night when we were hanging out, but never a hoodie or anything else. I felt this overwhelming sense of calm when I put it on, it smelled just like him and it brought just a little bit of peace to my head that was in such a rush I couldn't think straight.

I somehow fell asleep quickly, my eyes drifting shut almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. I must've been extremely exhausted because I was a nervous wreck when I was awake, I mean, my apartment was nearly broken into which means some crazy ass person tried to get into where I live and he could've hurt me or killed me or stolen everything I had. But those things didn't cross my mind as soon as my head hit the pillow and I drifted into a deep sleep, it probably had something to do with the bottle of wine I had consumed an hour or so prior.

But that peaceful sleep didn't last long, as my mind wandered off to the thoughts of someone trying to break into my apartment again, causing me to wake up.

I woke up sweating with my entire body shaking.

"Liv!" Liam exclaimed as he burst into his room, "Are you okay? You were screaming."

"I-I-I'm fine," I stuttered, "J-just a b-bad d-dream," I sighed, shaking my head, running my hands through my hair.

"You're shaking," he said quietly as he sat down on the edge of his bed, his hand grabbing mine.

My body was sweating but I was still cold, my hands were freezing and so were my feet. But his hands were warm to the touch, enveloping my hand in his as he tried to calm me down.

"I-I know," I said quietly, tears in my eyes, trying so hard to keep it together but failing ever so miserably.

"Don't cry," he said, crawling in next to me.

"I was so scared," I cried as he took me in his arms, "I-I didn't have anything to, to defend myself with or, or anything. What, what if they would've gotten in while I was sleeping?"

"Don't think about that," he said as I cried into his chest, "Think about going to sleep because you're tired," he added, holding me tight.

Dear God Olivia Richards you're a drunk blubbering mess and you're being a drunk mess all over Liam freaking Simpson.

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