--8--Liam Simpson Will Be the Death of Me--

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"Look what the cat dragged in," Nikki remarked as I stumbled back into our apartment at ten that morning.

"Fuck you," I grumbled, dropping my shit on the floor.

"I wouldn't want Liam to get jealous," she remarked oh so snarkily.

"I feel like shit," I sighed, glaring her way.

"You look like shit too," she laughed.

"I forgot I had a makeup," I sighed.

"And what time did you go to bed?" she asked.

"Well, I went to sleep at 4:30," I replied, "And I got super drunk so I was extremely hungover this morning in my 8AM. My head is pounding and the light hurts like a bitch"

"Why did you have an 8AM?"she asked.

"I'm not going to be at the class on Friday because of a roady so he had me make the class up today," I replied, "Which was a shit idea."

"Actually going to the party was a shit idea," she remarked.

"They were both equally shitty ideas," I sighed, "I'm going to take a nap before my 1:00 class."
"I'll try not to disturb you," she remarked as I flopped down on my bed.


The hour and a half nap after class didn't really do much, other than put me in a bigger fog and make me even more confused as to what day it actually was. I showered after my nap, my hair smelled like booze for some reason and so did my pants, so I threw them in the hamper and put on a pair of sweats and threw Liam's hoodie back on before heading over to the student center for lunch and a shit load of coffee.

"Feeling better?" Liam smirked as he sat down across from me, bringing two of his teammates along with him.

"No," I replied quickly, "I'm still hungover and exhausted. Every single part of my body hurts."

"Every part of your body?" he asked slyly.

"I'm not going there with you today," I replied, rolling my eyes.

"I think we already did this morning," he laughed.

"I don't think Josh over here wants to hear about that,"I remarked, looking over at his teammate who was probably super uncomfortable at the moment.

"Sorry," he said, flashing me a smirk.

"By the way, the class I had this morning was with your kind of girlfriend and I think she noticed I was wearing your hoodie," I remarked.

"Fantastic," he said, taking a bite.

"Girlfriend alert, she just walked in," Josh remarked.

"See you later Liv," Liam sighed, picking up his food and moving away from me before moving a table across the room.

Leaving me all alone.

I wasn't quite sure if I could handle this sneaking around stuff, I was afraid I was starting to have actual feelings for Liam Simpson and that was the worst thing I could possibly do right now, or at least until he and Lila broke up for real this time. Part of me knew it was a shit idea to fall for him, he was a junior and would be gone back to Canada next year if he didn't go off to Europe or down south to try to play lower tier pro hockey. I didn't need a short term meaningless relationship that was going to end in a year and a half but I sure as hell wanted it and wanted it really bad. Believe me, our secret makeout sessions in his room when I told Nikki I was out studying or at the gym were great, but I didn't think I could emotionally handle being the side chick for too long without going insane.

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