--5--The Other Girl--

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 When you go to a small school, rumors fly around faster than you would believe and everyone pretty much knows everyone else's business whether you like it or not. News that someone tried to break into Nikki and I's place spread fast, just like the other three times it had happened to other people so far this semester, and had gone around by Sunday evening when Liam and I made our way to the cafeteria for dinner. The rumor that Liam had come to my rescue afterwards, however, had thankfully not spread to me quite yet.

"Are you going to call your mom and tell her what happened?" Liam asked as we sat in the living room part of my apartment Monday night while I finished my homework for class the next day.

I had honestly tried to steer clear of him after the whole we made out thing but he found me in my predictable hiding place in the library and insisted that he come hang out with me because he didn't want me to be alone after someone tried to break in. I politely tried to him that I could kick ass if I wanted or needed to, but I'm pretty sure the meltdown I had had the night before had said otherwise. So he still insisted that he come home with me. So there we were, sitting on my futon couch in my living room back at my apartment, half watching TV.

"Nah," I replied, "Not worth it. She'll flip out, drive down here, ask me a million questions, see that Nikki has wine in the fridge, flip her shit, and then take me home."

You see, my mother was slightly overprotective and strict. I'd grown up here in Aladine and my mom had worked at the school up until I was in 8th grade, but my mom got a new job this summer in Waterford, which was about an hour away, conveniently in time for me to go to college and putting our new house a grand total of 60 miles away which was too far for me to commute. Before March of my senior year, I'd hardly ever gone out to a party with friends that involved alcohol, I seldom ever even did anything with friends. Nikki had me come down last year with her while she stayed with her cousin a few times and had taken me out to a few parties and I had actually had a good time. My mom was uneasy about me living on campus, but after she got the new job in Waterford and my family, my parents and two little sisters, moved there, I couldn't commute which just sealed the deal with me staying on campus with Nikki. My mother would disapprove of me partying and I knew she'd disapprove of me dating Liam, and extremely disapprove of me just making out with him while he had a girlfriend.

"I really don't think that's what will happen," he laughed, "Your mom doesn't seem that bad."

"She's overbearing," I replied, "And super strict, she'd flip her shit if she knew I spent the night with you. She'd also flip her shit if she knew I drank an entire bottle of wine last night."

"Is that why you called me?" he asked.

"What? No, I texted you because I wondered if it was you knocking on my door," I replied.

"You called me a few minutes before that," he remarked, "But I didn't get to it in time and it went to voicemail."

"Then yes, the bottle of wine I consumed is why I called you," I replied, mentally slapping myself for drunk dialing Liam fucking Simpson, "I'm sorry."

"Actually, I'm sorry, I'm the one who should've apologized for what happened Saturday. I shouldn't have just kissed you, especially after what you said," he sighed.

"It's fine, really," I ensured him, almost trying to ensure myself as well.

"And I really shouldn't have made out with you yesterday morning," he said, that stupid smirk spread across his face, a gleam in his green eyes, "But you seemed to have, uh, enjoyed it just as much as I did."

"Not going to lie, I enjoyed it," I laughed, a sheepish grin making its way onto my face.

"Best few minutes of your life?" he asked with a hopeful grin on his face.

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