Author's Note/Sequel Info

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Hey everyone! The sequel for this is finally up! 

I'll be posting a link in the comment section of this note and you can also find it on my profile and below is the "summary" of it. 

Thanks for reading! 


"It's all anybody wants, right? Clean slate. A new beginning. Like that's going to be any easier. Ask the guy pushing the boulder up the hill, nothing's easy about starting over, nothing at all," -Meredith Grey

A clean slate is what Olivia Richards wants when she moves to Estero, Florida after graduating from college. A clean slate where none of her ghosts have ever been, a clean slate where nobody knows her or her past, a place where she can forget about the past two years she's spent trying to forget.

A clean slate is what Olivia Richards gets when she moves to Estero, Florida in the middle of a hot August after graduation. It's a place where she knows nobody and where nobody knows her. A place where she can make new friends and, hopefully, fall in love again.

But just when everything begins to fall back into place after the two years in her life, her new beginning is turned upside down as something, someone from her past shows up on a September afternoon.

All of the sudden, her past is back in her face, staring at her with a familiar pair of gleaming green eyes and her world is no longer the same. 

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