Chapter Four: The Arrival

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"Years ago, I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices."- Albus

Azalea felt the all to familiar, nauseating effects of the Time Turner. Her head was whirling as she watched the hands on the Grand Father clock rotate counter-clockwise.

After the intricate occurrence with the Time Turner, Azalea felt the nauseating sensation start to alleviate. She went to examine the room she had just appeared in. Looking around, she knew  that she was definitely still in the Headmaster's Office, she could see all the regular portraits of the previous headmasters and mistresses displayed sprucely on the walls. However, there were some distinguishable characteristics that differed from Dumbledore's office. The first thing Azalea notice was that Fawkes wasn't perched in his usual spot on his desk. Second, was the golden plague that was front and centre on the desk with the engravings; Armondo Dippet. Azalea didn't know much about him, but she did know that he was the Headmaster previous to Dumbledore.

Taking one last gander at the office, she started heading towards the door. She opened it to be greeted by a frail and feeble looking man. He had a few wisps of hair on his head - but strangely enough he had a thick chalky coloured beard that seemed whiter than Draco's hair.

"What are you doing in my office, Ms.-" he trailed off realizing he didn't know her name.

"Umm...Azalea...Po-Rosefield, sir. I'm a new transfer student." She replied intermittently. She thought it was best if she didn't use her authentic surname - just to avoid any problems in the foreseeable future.

"I wasn't aware there was to be a transfer student," he queried skeptically.

"I went to Beauxbaton's Academy, but mum and dad wanted me closer to home," she countered, ignoring the skeptical tone that was lacing in his voice, " and I'm also looking for the Headmaster. Would you happen to be him?"

"Yes, I am actually," he clarified proudly, "and it would probably be best to sort you now. It would spare you the embarrassment of having to be sorted with the first years."

Azalea gave out a snort of amusement and curtly nodded her head in agreement. She watched as he walked over to the shelf the hat was sitting on and placed it on her head. It took a couple minutes before the hat started to stir.

"Oh, you again." She heard the hat's voice echo in her mind. Azalea was exceptionally perplexed by the Sorting Hat's comment. She had went back to the past, so how did the hat have any recollection of it sorting her?

" again." She said, baffled.

"Huh, still as loyal and courageous as ever I see."

Azalea smirked to herself; she could already tell where this was going.

"But," the hat's voice said, putting a temporary stop to Azalea's mental conclusion.

"But, what?" She said, irritated by the hat's vagueness.

"You've come with a very important task. An almost impossible task if you ask me."

"But no one did ask you, so can you just sort me already!" She snapped, growing more impatient with the hat by the minute.

"Just as hot-headed as well apparently," she heard the hat mutter, "better be... SLYTHERIN!"

Azalea's eyes widened in shock and maybe even alarm. "There must be a mistake; I definitely don't belong in Slytherin!" She exclaimed.

"Dumbledore was hoping against hope by assigning you to this suicide mission - but you at least have a chance to get close to him if you're in the Slytherin House."

Azalea signed in defeat as the Headmaster took the hat off of her head.

"You should probably change into your school robe; the Hogwarts Express will be arriving any moment now." The headmaster said while handing her a dark, Slytherin robe. She took the robe and proceeded out of the office. Opening the doors, she was greeted by yet another person. This time it was a young boy - just in the prime of his boyhood. He had pale skin that complimented the natural dark brown colour of his perfectly well-kept hair. His eyes were cold and there was some kind of malevolence smouldering deep within them. The boys' eyes were what intrigued her the most. They were like the eyes of an aggressive Black Mamba, ready to strike without warning or any actual provocation. Despite the dark and dangerous aura that surrounded him, she could easily make the statement that he was probably one of the most attractive man she had ever laid eyes on.

"Ah, Riddle, has the Hogwarts Express final come?" Azalea's eyes nearly leaped out of their sockets when she heard the headmaster address the young boy. Riddle, as in Tom Riddle, as in future Lord Voldemort?!

"Yes Headmaster Dippet, the students are getting ready for the Start-of-the-term-banquet as we speak." He replied politely.

"Well, now that we have that sorted out, I would you to meet Ms. Rosefield."

It was then when Riddle finally acknowledged her presence, he looked her up and down as if inspecting her. After coming up with some sort of conclusion about her, he slowly walked forward to stand before her. He took her hand and gently placed a soft kiss on her knuckles.

"Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Rosefield. Hope you an extraordinary time at Hogwarts." He greeted with a smile that didn't seem very genuine.

"Likewise and thank-you very much Mr. Riddle." She said back with a small, uneasy smile.

"Riddle, would you be so kind as to help Azalea to the Slytherin Common Room?" Headmaster Dippet said, causing Riddle to let go of Azalea's hand.

"Not a problem at all professor," he said as he offered Azalea his arm.

"No, it's fine, I'd hate to be a bother. I'm sure I can find my way on my own," in all honestly, she just didn't want to be alone with him. For all she knows, he could already be a murderous, power-hungry psychopath!

"Nonsense, Tom has no problem escorting you, isn't that right Riddle?"

"Of course not, headmaster," came his short reply.

Azalea reluctantly went over to him and placed her arm through his. The pair started to walk towards the open door before a revolting thought finally donned on Azalea, 'I just called Voldemort attractive!'

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